Stephanie Eckman
Stephanie Eckman
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Water on an urban planet: Urbanization and the reach of urban water infrastructure
RI McDonald, K Weber, J Padowski, M Flörke, C Schneider, PA Green, ...
Global environmental change 27, 96-105, 2014
Statistical Design and Estimation for the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project
C O'Muircheartaigh, S Eckman, S Smith
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2009
Total survey error in practice
PP Biemer, ED de Leeuw, S Eckman, B Edwards, F Kreuter, LE Lyberg, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
Assessing the mechanisms of misreporting to filter questions in surveys
S Eckman, F Kreuter, A Kirchner, A Jäckle, R Tourangeau, S Presser
Public Opinion Quarterly 78 (3), 721-733, 2014
Traditional and enhanced field listing for probability sampling
C O’Muircheartaigh, S Eckman, C Weiss
Proceedings of the American Statistical Association Social Statistics …, 2002
Evaluating the quality of survey and administrative data with generalized multitrait-multimethod models
DL Oberski, A Kirchner, S Eckman, F Kreuter
Journal of the American Statistical Association 112 (520), 1477-1489, 2017
Children’s reports of parents’ education level: Does it matter whom you ask and what you ask about?
F Kreuter, S Eckman, K Maaz, R Watermann
Survey Research Methods: SRM 4 (3), 127-138, 2010
Motivated underreporting in screening interviews
R Tourangeau, F Kreuter, S Eckman
Public opinion quarterly 76 (3), 453-469, 2012
Sampling nomads: a new technique for remote, hard-to-reach, and mobile populations
K Himelein, S Eckman, S Murray
Journal of official statistics 30 (2), 191-213, 2014
Does the inclusion of non-internet households in a web panel reduce coverage bias?
S Eckman
Social Science Computer Review 34 (1), 41-58, 2016
Confirmation bias in housing unit listing
S Eckman, F Kreuter
Public Opinion Quarterly 75 (1), 139-150, 2011
Predicting the relative quality of alternative sampling frames
C O’Muircheartaigh, E English, S Eckman
Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods, American Statistical …, 2007
Comparing estimates of news consumption from survey and passively collected behavioral data
T Konitzer, J Allen, S Eckman, B Howland, M Mobius, D Rothschild, ...
Public Opinion Quarterly 85 (S1), 347-370, 2021
Undercoverage rates and undercoverage bias in traditional housing unit listing
S Eckman, F Kreuter
Sociological Methods & Research 42 (3), 264-293, 2013
Applied sampling for large-scale multi-stage area probability designs
R Harter, S Eckman, N English, C O’Muircheartaigh
Handbook of survey research 2, 169-199, 2010
Interviewer involvement in sample selection shapes the relationship between response rates and data quality
S Eckman, A Koch
Public Opinion Quarterly 83 (2), 313-337, 2019
Mobile phone surveys for understanding COVID-19 impacts: Part I sampling and mode
K Himelein, S Eckman, C Lau, D McKenzie
World Bank, 2020
Motivated misreporting: Shaping answers to reduce survey burden
R Tourangeau, F Kreuter, S Eckman
Survey measurements. techniques, data quality and sources of error, 24-41, 2015
Can interviewers effectively rate the likelihood of cases to cooperate?
S Eckman, J Sinibaldi, A Möntmann-Hertz
Public Opinion Quarterly 77 (2), 561-573, 2013
Historical development of accelerometry measures and methods for physical activity and sedentary behavior research worldwide: A scoping review of observational studies of adults
KR Evenson, E Scherer, KM Peter, CC Cuthbertson, S Eckman
PLoS One 17 (11), e0276890, 2022
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