Matthew Church
Matthew Church
Flathead Lake Biological Station
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Ocean systems
HO Pörtner, DM Karl, PW Boyd, W Cheung, SE Lluch-Cota, Y Nojiri, ...
Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global …, 2014
Physical and biogeochemical modulation of ocean acidification in the central North Pacific
JE Dore, R Lukas, DW Sadler, MJ Church, DM Karl
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (30), 12235-12240, 2009
Quantitative distribution of presumptive archaeal and bacterial nitrifiers in Monterey Bay and the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
TJ Mincer, MJ Church, LT Taylor, C Preston, DM Karl, EF DeLong
Environmental microbiology 9 (5), 1162-1175, 2007
A time-series view of changing surface ocean chemistry due to ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO₂ and ocean acidification
NR Bates, YM Astor, MJ Church, K Currie, JE Dore, M González-Dávila, ...
Oceanography 27 (1), 126-141, 2014
Aerobic production of methane in the sea
DM Karl, L Beversdorf, KM Björkman, MJ Church, A Martinez, EF Delong
Nature Geoscience 1 (7), 473-478, 2008
Database of diazotrophs in global ocean: abundance, biomass and nitrogen fixation rates
YW Luo, SC Doney, LA Anderson, M Benavides, I Berman-Frank, A Bode, ...
Earth System Science Data 4 (1), 47-73, 2012
Temporal Patterns of Nitrogenase Gene (nifH) Expression in the Oligotrophic North Pacific Ocean
MJ Church, CM Short, BD Jenkins, DM Karl, JP Zehr
Applied and environmental microbiology 71 (9), 5362-5370, 2005
Predictable and efficient carbon sequestration in the North Pacific Ocean supported by symbiotic nitrogen fixation
DM Karl, MJ Church, JE Dore, RM Letelier, C Mahaffey
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (6), 1842-1849, 2012
Vertical distributions of nitrogen-fixing phylotypes at Stn ALOHA in the oligotrophic North Pacific Ocean
MJ Church, BD Jenkins, DM Karl, JP Zehr
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 38 (1), 3-14, 2005
Limitation of bacterial growth by dissolved organic matter and iron in the Southern Ocean
MJ Church, DA Hutchins, HW Ducklow
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (2), 455-466, 2000
Abundance and distribution of planktonic Archaea and Bacteria in the waters west of the Antarctic Peninsula
MJ Church, EF DeLong, HW Ducklow, MB Karner, CM Preston, DM Karl
Limnology and Oceanography 48 (5), 1893-1902, 2003
Microbial oceanography and the Hawaii Ocean Time-series programme
DM Karl, MJ Church
Nature Reviews Microbiology 12 (10), 699-713, 2014
Abundances of crenarchaeal amoA genes and transcripts in the Pacific Ocean
MJ Church, B Wai, DM Karl, EF DeLong
Environmental Microbiology 12 (3), 679-688, 2010
Physical forcing of nitrogen fixation and diazotroph community structure in the North Pacific subtropical gyre
MJ Church, C Mahaffey, RM Letelier, R Lukas, JP Zehr, DM Karl
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23 (2), 2009
Summer phytoplankton blooms in the oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre: Historical perspective and recent observations
JE Dore, RM Letelier, MJ Church, R Lukas, DM Karl
Progress in Oceanography 76 (1), 2-38, 2008
Regional distributions of nitrogen‐fixing bacteria in the Pacific Ocean
MJ Church, KM Björkman, DM Karl, MA Saito, JP Zehr
Limnology and Oceanography 53 (1), 63-77, 2008
Challenges of modeling depth‐integrated marine primary productivity over multiple decades: A case study at BATS and HOT
VS Saba, MAM Friedrichs, ME Carr, D Antoine, RA Armstrong, I Asanuma, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24 (3), 2010
Comparative assessment of nitrogen fixation methodologies, conducted in the oligotrophic North Pacific Ocean
ST Wilson, D Böttjer, MJ Church, DM Karl
Applied and environmental microbiology 78 (18), 6516-6523, 2012
Relationship between abundance and specific activity of bacterioplankton in open ocean surface waters
DE Hunt, Y Lin, MJ Church, DM Karl, SG Tringe, LK Izzo, ZI Johnson
Applied and environmental microbiology 79 (1), 177-184, 2013
Nitrogen fixation in an anticyclonic eddy in the oligotrophic North Pacific Ocean
AA Fong, DM Karl, R Lukas, RM Letelier, JP Zehr, MJ Church
The ISME journal 2 (6), 663-676, 2008
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