Charles M Francis
Charles M Francis
Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada
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Identification of birds through DNA barcodes
PDN Hebert, MY Stoeckle, TS Zemlak, CM Francis
PLoS biology 2 (10), e312, 2004
Field guide to the mammals of Borneo
J Payne, CM Francis, K Phillipps
Sabah Society, 1985
Field guide to the mammals of South-east Asia
C Francis
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019
Comprehensive DNA barcode coverage of North American birds
KCR Kerr, MY Stoeckle, CJ Dove, LA Weigt, CM Francis, PDN Hebert
Molecular ecology notes 7 (4), 535-543, 2007
The influence of climate on the timing and rate of spring bird migration
PP Marra, CM Francis, RS Mulvihill, FR Moore
Oecologia 142, 307-315, 2005
Travelling through a warming world: climate change and migratory species
RA Robinson, HQP Crick, JA Learmonth, IMD Maclean, CD Thomas, ...
Endangered species research 7 (2), 87-99, 2009
Role of Migratory Birds in Introduction and Range Expansion of Ixodes scapularis Ticks and of Borrelia burgdorferi and Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Canada
NH Ogden, LR Lindsay, K Hanincová, IK Barker, M Bigras-Poulin, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 74 (6), 1780-1790, 2008
The Motus Wildlife Tracking System: A collaborative research network to enhance the understanding of wildlife movement.
PD Taylor, TL Crewe, SA Mackenzie, D Lepage, Y Aubry, Z Crysler, ...
Avian Conservation & Ecology 12 (1), 2017
Confronting collinearity: comparing methods for disentangling the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation
AC Smith, N Koper, CM Francis, L Fahrig
Landscape ecology 24, 1271-1285, 2009
Risk maps for range expansion of the Lyme disease vector, Ixodes scapularis, in Canada now and with climate change
NH Ogden, L St-Onge, IK Barker, S Brazeau, M Bigras-Poulin, ...
International Journal of Health Geographics 7, 1-15, 2008
The role of DNA barcodes in understanding and conservation of mammal diversity in Southeast Asia
CM Francis, AV Borisenko, NV Ivanova, JL Eger, BK Lim, ...
PloS one 5 (9), e12575, 2010
Differential timing of spring migration in wood warblers (Parulinae)
CM Francis, F Cooke
The Auk 103 (3), 548-556, 1986
Landscape size affects the relative importance of habitat amount, habitat fragmentation, and matrix quality on forest birds
AC Smith, L Fahrig, CM Francis
Ecography 34 (1), 103-113, 2011
A plan for the North American bat monitoring program (NABat)
SC Loeb, TJ Rodhouse, LE Ellison, CL Lausen, JD Reichard, KM Irvine, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-208. Asheville, NC: US Department of Agriculture Forest …, 2015
A comparison of mist nets and two designs of harp traps for capturing bats
CM Francis
Journal of Mammalogy 70 (4), 865-870, 1989
Molecular phylogenetic reconstructions identify East Asia as the cradle for the evolution of the cosmopolitan genus Myotis (Mammalia, Chiroptera)
M Ruedi, B Stadelmann, Y Gager, EJP Douzery, CM Francis, LK Lin, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3), 437-449, 2013
Computer‐automated bird detection and counts in high‐resolution aerial images: a review
D Chabot, CM Francis
Journal of Field Ornithology 87 (4), 343-359, 2016
Species richness in an insectivorous bat assemblage from Malaysia
T Kingston, CM Francis, Z Akbar, TH Kunz
Journal of Tropical Ecology 19 (1), 67-79, 2003
Long‐term changes in survival rates of lesser snow geese
CM Francis, MH Richards, F Cooke, RF Rockwell
Ecology 73 (4), 1346-1362, 1992
The effects of light characteristics on avian mortality at lighthouses
J Jones, CM Francis
Journal of Avian Biology 34 (4), 328-333, 2003
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