José Gabriel Segarra-Moragues
José Gabriel Segarra-Moragues
Universidad de Valencia. Departamento de Botánica y Geología
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World checklist of hornworts and liverworts.
L Söderström, A Hagborg, M von Konrat, S Bartholomew-Began, D Bell, ...
PhytoKeys 59, 1-828, 2016
Dated historical biogeography of the temperate Loliinae (Poaceae, Pooideae) grasses in the northern and southern hemispheres
LA Inda, JG Segarra-Moragues, J Müller, PM Peterson, P Catalán
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 46 (3), 932-957, 2008
The network structure of plant–arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
A Montesinos‐Navarro, JG Segarra‐Moragues, A Valiente‐Banuet, ...
New Phytologist 194 (2), 536-547, 2012
A miniature world in decline. European Red List of Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts
N Hodgetts, M Cálix, E Englefield, N Fettes, M García Criado, L Patin, ...
IUCN, Brussels, Belgium, 2019
New national and regional bryophyte records, 41
LT Ellis, M Aleffi, R Tacchi, A Alegro, M Alonso, AK Asthana, V Sahu, ...
Journal of Bryology 36 (4), 306-324, 2014
Late Cretaceous–Early Eocene origin of yams (Dioscorea, Dioscoreaceae) in the Laurasian Palaearctic and their subsequent Oligocene–Miocene diversification
J Viruel, JG Segarra-Moragues, L Raz, F Forest, P Wilkin, I Sanmartín, ...
Journal of Biogeography 43 (4), 750-762, 2016
Plant facilitation occurs between species differing in their associated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
A Montesinos‐Navarro, JG Segarra‐Moragues, A Valiente‐Banuet, ...
New Phytologist 196 (3), 835-844, 2012
Secondary compounds enhance flammability in a Mediterranean plant
JG Pausas, GA Alessio, B Moreira, JG Segarra-Moragues
Oecologia 180 (1), 103-110, 2016
New national and regional bryophyte records, 66
LT Ellis, M Alataş, M Aleffi, WR Álvaro Alba, DA Becerra Infante, ...
Journal of Bryology 43 (2), 193-212, 2021
Seed morphology of Linaria species from eastern Spain: identification of species and taxonomic implications
JG Segarra, I Mateu
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 135 (4), 375-389, 2001
On the verge of extinction: genetics of the critically endangered Iberian plant species, Borderea chouardii (Dioscoreaceae) and implications for conservation management
JG Segarra-Moragues, M Palop-Esteban, F González-Candelas, ...
Molecular Ecology 14 (4), 969-982, 2005
Burning phylogenies: fire, molecular evolutionary rates, and diversification
M Verdú, JG Pausas, JG Segarra‐Moragues, F Ojeda
Evolution 61 (9), 2195-2204, 2007
Postfire response and genetic diversity in Erica coccinea: connecting population dynamics and diversification in a biodiversity hotspot
JG Segarra‐Moragues, F Ojeda
Evolution 64 (12), 3511-3524, 2010
Allozyme and chloroplast DNA variation in island and mainland populations of the rare Spanish endemic, Silene hifacensis (Caryophyllaceae)
HC Prentice, J Ursula Malm, I Mateu-Andrés, JG Segarra-Moragues
Conservation Genetics 4, 543-555, 2003
Population subdivision and genetic diversity in two narrow endemics of Antirrhinum L.
I Mateu‐Andrés, JG Segarra‐Moragues
Molecular Ecology 9 (12), 2081-2087, 2000
Nunatak survival vs. tabula rasa in the Central Pyrenees: a study on the endemic plant species Borderea pyrenaica (Dioscoreaceae)
JG Segarra‐Moragues, M Palop‐Esteban, F González‐Candelas, ...
Journal of Biogeography 34 (11), 1893-1906, 2007
New national and regional bryophyte records, 48
LT Ellis, M Aleffi, A Alegro, V Segota, AK Asthana, R Gupta, VJ Singh, ...
Journal of Bryology 38 (3), 235-259, 2016
Disassortative mating, sexual specialization, and the evolution of gender dimorphism in heterodichogamous Acer opalus
G Gleiser, M Verdú, JG Segarra‐Moragues, SC González‐Martínez, ...
Evolution 62 (7), 1676-1688, 2008
New national and regional bryophyte records, 37
LT Ellis, SC Aranda, AK Asthana, P Bansal, V Nath, V Sahu, J Bayliss, ...
Journal of bryology 35 (4), 290-305, 2013
A Bayesian approach for discriminating among alternative inheritance hypotheses in plant polyploids: the allotetraploid origin of genus Borderea (Dioscoreaceae)
P Catalán, JG Segarra-Moragues, M Palop-Esteban, C Moreno, ...
Genetics 172 (3), 1939-1953, 2006
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