Joe Bathelt
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Remapping the cognitive and neural profiles of children who struggle at school
DE Astle, J Bathelt, Calm Team, J Holmes
Developmental Science 22 (1), e12747, 2019
Event‐related potential measures of executive functioning from preschool to adolescence
M Downes, JOE Bathelt, M De Haan
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 59 (6), 581-590, 2017
Transdiagnostic brain mapping in developmental disorders
R Siugzdaite, J Bathelt, J Holmes, DE Astle
Current Biology 30 (7), 1245-1257. e4, 2020
Data-driven subtyping of executive function–related behavioral problems in children
J Bathelt, J Holmes, DE Astle, S Gathercole, D Astle, T Manly, R Kievit
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 57 (4), 252 …, 2018
The strengths and difficulties questionnaire predicts concurrent mental health difficulties in a transdiagnostic sample of struggling learners
A Bryant, J Guy, CALM Team, J Holmes
Frontiers in psychology 11, 587821, 2020
Functional brain network organisation of children between 2 and 5 years derived from reconstructed activity of cortical sources of high-density EEG recordings
J Bathelt, H O'Reilly, JD Clayden, JH Cross, M de Haan
Neuroimage 82, 595-604, 2013
Adaptive behaviour and quality of life in school-age children with congenital visual disorders and different levels of visual impairment
J Bathelt, M de Haan, NJ Dale
Research in developmental disabilities 85, 154-162, 2019
Differences in brain morphology and working memory capacity across childhood
J Bathelt, SE Gathercole, A Johnson, DE Astle
Developmental Science 21 (3), e12579, 2018
Connecting brain and behavior in clinical neuroscience: A network approach
TF Blanken, J Bathelt, MK Deserno, L Voge, D Borsboom, L Douw
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 130, 81-90, 2021
Whole-brain white matter organization, intelligence, and educational attainment
J Bathelt, G Scerif, AC Nobre, DE Astle
Trends in neuroscience and education 15, 38-47, 2019
The cingulum as a marker of individual differences in neurocognitive development
J Bathelt, A Johnson, M Zhang, DE Astle
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2281, 2019
Neurocognitive reorganization between crystallized intelligence, fluid intelligence and white matter microstructure in two age-heterogeneous developmental cohorts
IL Simpson-Kent, D Fuhrmann, J Bathelt, J Achterberg, GS Borgeest, ...
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 41, 100743, 2020
Robust BOLD responses to faces but not to conditioned threat: challenging the amygdala's reputation in human fear and extinction learning
RM Visser, J Bathelt, HS Scholte, M Kindt
Journal of Neuroscience 41 (50), 10278-10292, 2021
Children's academic attainment is linked to the global organization of the white matter connectome
J Bathelt, SE Gathercole, S Butterfield, CALM team, DE Astle
Developmental Science 21 (5), e12662, 2018
Executive abilities in children with congenital visual impairment in mid-childhood
J Bathelt, M de Haan, A Salt, NJ Dale
Child Neuropsychology 24 (2), 184-202, 2018
Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search
P Brown, Y Zhou
Database 2019, baz085, 2019
Structural brain abnormalities in a single gene disorder associated with epilepsy, language impairment and intellectual disability
J Bathelt, D Astle, J Barnes, FL Raymond, K Baker
NeuroImage: Clinical 12, 655-665, 2016
Just a phase? Mapping the transition of behavioural problems from childhood to adolescence
J Bathelt, A Vignoles, DE Astle
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 56, 821-836, 2021
Difference in default mode network subsystems in autism across childhood and adolescence
J Bathelt, HM Geurts
Autism 25 (2), 556-565, 2021
Age-variant and age-invariant features of functional brain organization in middle-aged and older autistic adults
J Bathelt, PC Koolschijn, HM Geurts
Molecular autism 11, 1-14, 2020
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