Pawel Blasiak
Pawel Blasiak
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The boson normal ordering problem and generalized Bell numbers
P Blasiak, KA Penson, AI Solomon
Annals of Combinatorics 7, 127-139, 2003
The general boson normal ordering problem
P Blasiak, KA Penson, AI Solomon
Physics Letters A 309 (3-4), 198-205, 2003
Combinatorial models of creation-annihilation
P Blasiak, P Flajolet
arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.0354, 2010
Combinatorics and Boson normal ordering: A gentle introduction
P Blasiak, A Horzela, KA Penson, AI Solomon, GHE Duchamp
American Journal of Physics 75 (7), 639-646, 2007
Representations of monomiality principle with Sheffer-type polynomials and boson normal ordering
P Blasiak, G Dattoli, A Horzela, KA Penson
Physics Letters A 352 (1-2), 7-12, 2006
Combinatorics of boson normal ordering and some applications
P Blasiak
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0507206, 2005
Combinatorial approach to generalized Bell and Stirling numbers and boson normal ordering problem
MA Méndez, P Blasiak, KA Penson
Journal of mathematical physics 46 (8), 2005
Quantum-like dynamics applied to cognition: a consideration of available options
J Broekaert, I Basieva, P Blasiak, EM Pothos
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2017
Boson normal ordering via substitutions and Sheffer-Type Polynomials
P Blasiak, A Horzela, KA Penson, GHE Duchamp, AI Solomon
Physics Letters A 338 (2), 108-116, 2005
One-parameter groups and combinatorial physics
GHE DUCHAMP, KA Penson, AI Solomon, A HORZELA, P Blasiak
Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics, 436-449, 2004
Genuine multifractality in time series is due to temporal correlations
J Kwapień, P Blasiak, S Drożdż, P Oświęcimka
Physical Review E 107 (3), 034139, 2023
Entangling three qubits without ever touching
P Blasiak, M Markiewicz
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 20131, 2019
Some useful combinatorial formulas for bosonic operators
P Blasiak, KA Penson, AI Solomon, A Horzela, GHE Duchamp
Journal of mathematical physics 46 (5), 2005
Hierarchical Dobiński-type relations via substitution and the moment problem
KA Penson, P Blasiak, G Duchamp, A Horzela, AI Solomon
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 37 (10), 3475, 2004
Violations of locality and free choice are equivalent resources in Bell experiments
P Blasiak, EM Pothos, JM Yearsley, C Gallus, E Borsuk
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (17), e2020569118, 2021
Heisenberg–Weyl algebra revisited: Combinatorics of words and paths
P Blasiak, GHE Duchamp, A Horzela, KA Penson, AI Solomon
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (41), 415204, 2008
Dobiński-type relations and the log-normal distribution
P Blasiak, KA Penson, AI Solomon
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (18), L273, 2003
Quantum cube: A toy model of a qubit
P Blasiak
Physics Letters A 377 (12), 847-850, 2013
On certain non-unique solutions of the Stieltjes moment problem
KA Penson, P Blasiak, G Duchamp, A Horzela, AI Solomon
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 12, 2010
Combinatorial algebra for second-quantized quantum theory
P Blasiak, GHE Duchamp, AI Solomon, A Horzela, KA Penson
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