Rafael Lucas Rodriguez
Rafael Lucas Rodriguez
Professor, Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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The behavioral ecology of insect vibrational communication
RB Cocroft, RL Rodríguez
Bioscience 55 (4), 323-334, 2005
One size fits all? Relationships between the size and degree of variation in genitalia and other body parts in twenty species of insects and spiders
WG Eberhard, BA Huber, RL Rodríguez, I Salas, RD Briceño, ...
Evolution 2, 415-431, 1998
Ordinary least squares regression is indicated for studies of allometry
JT Kilmer, RL Rodríguez
Journal of evolutionary biology 30 (1), 4-12, 2017
Mechanisms of assortative mating in speciation with gene flow: connecting theory and empirical research
M Kopp, MR Servedio, TC Mendelson, RJ Safran, RL Rodríguez, ...
The American Naturalist 191 (1), 1-20, 2018
Contributions of natural and sexual selection to the evolution of premating reproductive isolation: a research agenda
RJ Safran, ESC Scordato, LB Symes, RL Rodríguez, TC Mendelson
Trends in ecology & evolution 28 (11), 643-650, 2013
Evidence that female preferences have shaped male signal evolution in a clade of specialized plant-feeding insects
RL Rodríguez, K Ramaswamy, RB Cocroft
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1601), 2585-2593, 2006
Genotype–environment interaction and the reliability of mating signals
MD Greenfield, RL Rodriguez
Animal Behaviour 68 (6), 1461-1468, 2004
Vibrational communication and reproductive isolation in the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae)
RL Rodríguez, LE Sullivan, RB Cocroft
Evolution 58 (3), 571-578, 2004
Host shifts and signal divergence: mating signals covary with host use in a complex of specialized plant-feeding insects
RB Cocroft, RL Rodriguez, RE Hunt
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99 (1), 60-72, 2010
Experience-mediated plasticity in mate preferences: mating assurance in a variable environment
KD Fowler-Finn, RL Rodríguez
Evolution 66 (2), 459-468, 2012
Sexual selection and static allometry: the importance of function
WG Eberhard, RL Rodríguez, BA Huber, B Speck, H Miller, BA Buzatto, ...
The Quarterly Review of Biology 93 (3), 207-250, 2018
Host shifts, the evolution of communication, and speciation in the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers
RB Cocroft, RL Rodríguez, RE Hunt
KJ Tilmon, 88-100, 2008
The evolution and evolutionary consequences of social plasticity in mate preferences
RL Rodríguez, D Rebar, KD Fowler-Finn
Animal Behaviour 85 (5), 1041-1047, 2013
Pitfalls in understanding the functional significance of genital allometryw
W Eberhard, RL Rodriguez, M Polihronakis
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22 (3), 435-445, 2009
Genetic variance and phenotypic plasticity in a component of female mate choice in an ultrasonic moth
RL Rodríguez, MD Greenfield
Evolution 57 (6), 1304-1313, 2003
Diversification under sexual selection: the relative roles of mate preference strength and the degree of divergence in mate preferences
RL Rodríguez, JW Boughman, DA Gray, EA Hebets, G Höbel, LB Symes
Ecology letters 16 (8), 964-974, 2013
The evolution of experience‐mediated plasticity in mate preferences
KD Fowler‐Finn, RL Rodríguez
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 25 (9), 1855-1863, 2012
Males adjust signaling effort based on female mate-preference cues
RL Rodríguez, C Haen, RB Cocroft, KD Fowler-Finn
Behavioral Ecology 23 (6), 1218-1225, 2012
Describing mate preference functions and other function‐valued traits
JT Kilmer, KD Fowler‐Finn, DA Gray, G Höbel, D Rebar, MS Reichert, ...
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 30 (9), 1658-1673, 2017
Curves as traits: genetic and environmental variation in mate preference functions
RL Rodríguez, AC Hallett, JT Kilmer, KD Fowler‐Finn
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (2), 434-442, 2013
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