Michael G. Reynolds
Michael G. Reynolds
Professor of Psychology Trent University
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Reading aloud is not automatic: processing capacity is required to generate a phonological code from print.
M Reynolds, D Besner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32 (6 …, 2006
When “3” is a Jerk and “E” is a king: personifying inanimate objects in synesthesia
D Smilek, KA Malcolmson, JSA Carriere, M Eller, D Kwan, M Reynolds
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (6), 981-992, 2007
Neighborhood effects in reading aloud: new findings and new challenges for computational models.
C Mulatti, MG Reynolds, D Besner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 32 (4), 799, 2006
Neighbourhood density, word frequency, and spelling-sound regularity effects in naming: similarities and differences between skilled readers and the Dual Route Cascaded …
M Reynolds, D Besner
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2004
Basic processes in reading: A critical review of pseudohomophone effects in reading aloud and a new computational account
M Reynolds, D Besner
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 12 (4), 622-646, 2005
Qualitative differences between the joint effects of stimulus quality and word frequency in reading aloud and lexical decision: extensions to Yap and Balota (2007).
S O'Malley, MG Reynolds, D Besner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33 (2), 451, 2007
Familiarity and within-person facial variability: The importance of the internal and external features
RSS Kramer, Z Manesi, A Towler, MG Reynolds, AM Burton
Perception 47 (1), 3-15, 2018
Varieties of attention: Their roles in visual word identification
D Besner, EF Risko, JA Stolz, D White, M Reynolds, S O’Malley, ...
Current Directions in Psychological Science 25 (3), 162-168, 2016
Asymmetric switch costs in numeral naming and number word reading: Implications for models of bilingual language production
MG Reynolds, S Schlöffel, F Peressotti
Frontiers in Psychology 6, 2011, 2016
Incompleteness, aesthetic sensitivity, and the obsessive-compulsive need for symmetry
LJ Summerfeldt, SJ Gilbert, M Reynolds
Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry 49, 141-149, 2015
Monitoring eye movements while searching for affective faces
MG Reynolds, JD Eastwood, M Partanen, A Frischen, D Smilek
Visual Cognition 17 (3), 318-333, 2009
Contextual control over lexical and sublexical routines when reading English aloud
M Reynolds, D Besner
Psychonomic bulletin & review 12 (1), 113-118, 2005
Reading aloud: spelling-sound translation uses central attention.
S O'Malley, MG Reynolds, JA Stolz, D Besner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (2), 422, 2008
Look out for strangers! Sustained neural activity during visual working memory maintenance of other-race faces is modulated by implicit racial prejudice
P Sessa, S Tomelleri, R Luria, L Castelli, M Reynolds, R Dell’Acqua
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 7 (3), 314-321, 2012
Contextual effects on reading aloud: evidence for pathway control.
M Reynolds, D Besner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (1), 50, 2008
Neighbourhood density effects in reading aloud: New insights from simulations with the DRC model.
M Reynolds, D Besner
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2002
What influences visual search efficiency? Disentangling contributions of preattentive and postattentive processes
D Smilek, A Frischen, MG Reynolds, C Gerritsen, JD Eastwood
Perception & psychophysics 69, 1105-1116, 2007
Metacognitive errors in change detection: Missing the gap between lab and life
D Smilek, JD Eastwood, MG Reynolds, A Kingstone
Consciousness and Cognition 16 (1), 52-57, 2007
Unfamiliar face matching with frontal and profile views
RSS Kramer, MG Reynolds
Perception 47 (4), 414-431, 2018
Does posture influence the Stroop effect?
EE Caron, MG Reynolds, BCW Ralph, JSA Carriere, D Besner, D Smilek
Psychological Science 31 (11), 1452-1460, 2020
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