Nanoplatelet size to control the alignment and thermal conductivity in copper–graphite composites A Boden, B Boerner, P Kusch, I Firkowska, S Reich
Nano letters 14 (6), 3640-3644, 2014
145 2014 Evaluating arbitrary strain configurations and doping in graphene with Raman spectroscopy NS Mueller, S Heeg, MP Alvarez, P Kusch, S Wasserroth, N Clark, ...
2D Materials 5 (1), 015016, 2017
144 2017 Hyperfine structure of the metastable hydrogen atom JW Heberle, HA Reich, P Kusch
Physical Review 101 (2), 612, 1956
110 1956 Band gap of wurtzite GaAs: A resonant Raman study P Kusch, S Breuer, M Ramsteiner, L Geelhaar, H Riechert, S Reich
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92 2012 Redetermination of the hyperfine splittings of hydrogen and deuterium in the ground state P Kusch
Physical Review 100 (4), 1188, 1955
92 1955 Surface-enhanced Raman scattering and surface-enhanced infrared absorption by plasmon polaritons in three-dimensional nanoparticle supercrystals NS Mueller, E Pfitzner, Y Okamura, G Gordeev, P Kusch, H Lange, ...
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90 2021 Dual-scattering near-field microscope for correlative nanoimaging of SERS and electromagnetic hotspots P Kusch, S Mastel, NS Mueller, N Morquillas Azpiazu, S Heeg, ...
Nano letters 17 (4), 2667-2673, 2017
68 2017 Type-II band alignment of zinc-blende and wurtzite segments in GaAs nanowires: A combined photoluminescence and resonant Raman scattering study P Kusch, E Grelich, C Somaschini, E Luna, M Ramsteiner, L Geelhaar, ...
Physical review B 89 (4), 045310, 2014
46 2014 Size-dependence of the anharmonicities in the vibrational potential of colloidal CdSe nanocrystals P Kusch, H Lange, M Artemyev, C Thomsen
Solid State Communications 151 (1), 67-70, 2011
44 2011 Dark interlayer plasmons in colloidal gold nanoparticle bi-and few-layers NS Mueller, BGM Vieira, F Schulz, P Kusch, V Oddone, EB Barros, ...
ACS photonics 5 (10), 3962-3969, 2018
42 2018 Experimental tests of surface‐enhanced Raman scattering: Moving beyond the electromagnetic enhancement theory S Heeg, NS Mueller, S Wasserroth, P Kusch, S Reich
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 52 (2), 310-322, 2021
27 2021 Combined tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy P Kusch, N Morquillas Azpiazu, NS Mueller, S Mastel, JI Pascual, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (28), 16274-16280, 2018
26 2018 Resonant anti-Stokes Raman scattering in single-walled carbon nanotubes G Gordeev, A Jorio, P Kusch, BGM Vieira, B Flavel, R Krupke, EB Barros, ...
Physical Review B 96 (24), 245415, 2017
26 2017 Impact of substrate on tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: A comparison between field-distribution simulations and graphene measurements H Miranda, C Rabelo, LG Cançado, TL Vasconcelos, BS Oliveira, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (2), 023408, 2020
25 2020 Plasmonic enhancement of SERS measured on molecules in carbon nanotubes NS Mueller, S Heeg, P Kusch, E Gaufrès, NYW Tang, U Hübner, R Martel, ...
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25 2017 Vapour-liquid-solid growth of ternary Bi2 Se2 Te nanowires P Schönherr, LJ Collins-McIntyre, SL Zhang, P Kusch, S Reich, T Giles, ...
Nanoscale research letters 9, 1-6, 2014
22 2014 Strong light-matter coupling in P Kusch, NS Mueller, MT Hartmann, S Reich
Physical Review B 103 (23), 235409, 2021
20 2021 Graphene as a local probe to investigate near-field properties of plasmonic nanostructures S Wasserroth, T Bisswanger, NS Mueller, P Kusch, S Heeg, N Clark, ...
Physical Review B 97 (15), 155417, 2018
20 2018 Resonant Raman Scattering of 4‐Nitrothiophenol S Juergensen, P Kusch, S Reich
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17 2020 Few-wall carbon nanotube coils D Nakar, G Gordeev, LD Machado, R Popovitz-Biro, K Rechav, ...
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