Marwan Alraggad
Marwan Alraggad
Associate Professor of Hydrogeology
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Pharmaceuticals, their metabolites, and other polar pollutants in field-grown vegetables irrigated with treated municipal wastewater
C Riemenschneider, M Al-Raggad, M Moeder, B Seiwert, E Salameh, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 64 (29), 5784-5792, 2016
Conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water resources with aquifer recharge by treated wastewater: evaluation of management scenarios in the Zarqa River Basin, Jordan
M El-Rawy, VA Zlotnik, M Al-Raggad, A Al-Maktoumi, A Kacimov, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-21, 2016
Challenges to estimate surface-and groundwater flow in arid regions: The Dead Sea catchment
C Siebert, T Rödiger, U Mallast, A Gräbe, J Guttman, JB Laronne, ...
Science of the total environment 485, 828-841, 2014
Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan
N Hammouri, H Al-Amoush, M Al-Raggad, S Harahsheh
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 7, 2815-2829, 2014
Production of activated carbon derived from agricultural by-products via microwave-induced chemical activation: a review
AA Ahmad, M Al-Raggad, N Shareef
Carbon Letters 31 (5), 957-971, 2021
An LC-MS/MS method for the determination of 28 polar environmental contaminants and metabolites in vegetables irrigated with treated municipal wastewater
C Riemenschneider, B Seiwert, M Goldstein, M Al-Raggad, E Salameh, ...
Analytical Methods 9 (8), 1273-1281, 2017
Water resources of jordan: political, social and economic implications of scarce water resources
E Salameh, M Shteiwi, M Al Raggad
Springer, 2018
2D and 3D coexisting modes of thermal convection in fractured hydrothermal systems-Implications for transboundary flow in the Lower Yarmouk Gorge
F Magri, S Möller, N Inbar, P Möller, M Raggad, T Rödiger, E Rosenthal, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 78, 750-758, 2016
Assessing groundwater vulnerability in Azraq Basin area by a modified drastic Index
AH Jasem, M Alraggad
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2 (11), 944-951, 2010
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) through surface infiltration in the Azraq Basin/Jordan
M Alraggad, H Jasem
Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2 (12), 1057, 2010
Water resources of Jordan
E Salameh, H Bannayan
Future and Future Potentials: Amman, Jordan, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1993
Application of the water balance model J2000 to estimate groundwater recharge in a semi-arid environment: a case study in the Zarqa River catchment, NW-Jordan
S Schulz, C Siebert, T Rödiger, MM Al-Raggad, R Merz
Environmental Earth Sciences 69, 605-615, 2013
The structural inventory of a small complex impact crater: Jebel Waqf as Suwwan, Jordan
T Kenkmann, S Sturm, T Krüger, E Salameh, M Al‐Raggad, K Konsul
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 52 (7), 1351-1370, 2017
Assessing anthropogenic impacts on limited water resources under semi-arid conditions: three-dimensional transient regional modelling in Jordan
T Rödiger, F Magri, S Geyer, ST Morandage, HEA Subah, M Alraggad, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 25 (7), 2139, 2017
Degradation processes along the new northeastern shores of the Dead Sea
E Salameh, M Alraggad, M Amaireh
Environmental Earth Sciences 78, 1-12, 2019
Origin of high bromide concentration in the water sources in Jordan and in the Dead Sea water
E Salameh, A Tarawneh, M Al-Raggad
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9, 1-20, 2016
Disi water use for irrigation–a false decision and its consequences
E Salameh, M Alraggad, A Tarawneh
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 42 (12), 1681-1686, 2014
Natural salinity sources in the groundwaters of Jordan—importance of sustainable aquifer management
E Salameh, M Alraggad, A Tarawneh
Geochemistry 74 (4), 735-747, 2014
Inverse problem to constrain hydraulic and thermal parameters inducing anomalous heat flow in the Lower Yarmouk Gorge
N Goretzki, N Inbar, M Kühn, P Möller, E Rosenthal, M Schneider, ...
Energy Procedia 97, 419-426, 2016
Implementation of simple strategies to improve wellfield management in arid regions: the case study of wadi Al arab wellfield, Jordan
M Alqadi, A Margane, M Al Raggad, HEA Subah, M Disse, I Hamdan, ...
Sustainability 11 (21), 5903, 2019
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