Nicolas Sommerer
Nicolas Sommerer
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Major proteome variations associated with cherry tomato pericarp development and ripening
M Faurobert, C Mihr, N Bertin, T Pawlowski, L Negroni, N Sommerer, ...
Plant Physiology 143 (3), 1327-1346, 2007
Multiple phosphorylations in the C-terminal tail of plant plasma membrane aquaporins role in subcellular trafficking of AtPIP2; 1 in response to salt stress
S Prak, S Hem, J Boudet, G Viennois, N Sommerer, M Rossignol, ...
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7 (6), 1019-1030, 2008
Nitrate efflux at the root plasma membrane: identification of an Arabidopsis excretion transporter
C Segonzac, JC Boyer, E Ipotesi, W Szponarski, P Tillard, B Touraine, ...
The Plant Cell 19 (11), 3760-3777, 2007
Grape berry biochemistry revisited upon proteomic analysis of the mesocarp
JE Sarry, N Sommerer, FX Sauvage, A Bergoin, M Rossignol, G Albagnac, ...
Proteomics 4 (1), 201-215, 2004
Proteome reference maps of vegetative tissues in pea. An investigation of nitrogen mobilization from leaves during seed filling
S Schiltz, K Gallardo, M Huart, L Negroni, N Sommerer, J Burstin
Plant physiology 135 (4), 2241-2260, 2004
A proteomic study reveals novel insights into the diversity of aquaporin forms expressed in the plasma membrane of plant roots
V Santoni, V Joëlle, D Pflieger, N Sommerer, C Maurel
Biochemical Journal 373 (1), 289-296, 2003
The proteome of maritime pine wood forming tissue
JM Gion, C Lalanne, G Le Provost, H Ferry‐Dumazet, J Paiva, ...
Proteomics 5 (14), 3731-3751, 2005
Dissecting the proteome of pea mature seeds reveals the phenotypic plasticity of seed protein composition
M Bourgeois, F Jacquin, V Savois, N Sommerer, V Labas, C Henry, ...
Proteomics 9 (2), 254-271, 2009
Large‐scale characterization of integral proteins from Arabidopsis vacuolar membrane by two‐dimensional liquid chromatography
W Szponarski, N Sommerer, JC Boyer, M Rossignol, R Gibrat
Proteomics 4 (2), 397-406, 2004
Proteomic investigation of natural variation between Arabidopsis ecotypes
F Chevalier, O Martin, V Rofidal, AD Devauchelle, S Barteau, ...
Proteomics 4 (5), 1372-1381, 2004
A High-Throughput UHPLC-QqQ-MS Method for Polyphenol Profiling in Rosé Wines
M Lambert, E Meudec, A Verbaere, G Mazerolles, J Wirth, G Masson, ...
Molecules 20 (5), 7890-7914, 2015
Methylation of aquaporins in plant plasma membrane
V Santoni, L Verdoucq, N Sommerer, J Vinh, D Pflieger, C Maurel
Biochemical Journal 400 (1), 189-197, 2006
Goat Cheese Flavor: Sensory Evaluation of Branched‐Chain Fatty Acids and Small Peptides
C Salles, N Sommerer, C Septier, S Issanchou, C Chabanet, A Garem, ...
Journal of food science 67 (2), 835-841, 2002
MS characterization of multiple forms of alpha‐amylase in human saliva
C Hirtz, F Chevalier, D Centeno, V Rofidal, JC Egea, M Rossignol, ...
Proteomics 5 (17), 4597-4607, 2005
Cultivar diversity of grape skin polyphenol composition and changes in response to drought investigated by LC-MS based metabolomics
L Pinassseau, A Vallverdu-Queralt, A Verbaere, M Roques, E Meudec, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1826, 2017
Assessment of the molecular weight distribution of tannin fractions through MALDI-TOF MS analysis of protein-tannin complexes
C Mané, N Sommerer, T Yalcin, V Cheynier, RB Cole, H Fulcrand
Analytical chemistry 79 (6), 2239-2248, 2007
Two shikimate dehydrogenases, VvSDH3 and VvSDH4, are involved in gallic acid biosynthesis in grapevine
T Bontpart, T Marlin, S Vialet, JL Guiraud, L Pinasseau, E Meudec, ...
Journal of experimental botany 67 (11), 3537-3550, 2016
The kinetics of oxygen and SO2 consumption by red wines. What do they tell about oxidation mechanisms and about changes in wine composition?
V Carrascón, A Vallverdú-Queralt, E Meudec, N Sommerer, ...
Food Chemistry 241, 206-214, 2018
Amazonian palm Oenocarpus bataua (“patawa”): Chemical and biological antioxidant activity–Phytochemical composition
A Rezaire, JC Robinson, D Bereau, A Verbaere, N Sommerer, MK Khan, ...
Food chemistry 149, 62-70, 2014
Proteins and proteolysis in pre-term and term human milk and possible implications for infant formulae
E Armaforte, E Curran, T Huppertz, CA Ryan, MF Caboni, PM O’Connor, ...
International dairy journal 20 (10), 715-723, 2010
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