Mauro Delorenzi
Mauro Delorenzi
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
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The consensus molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer
J Guinney, R Dienstmann, X Wang, A De Reynies, A Schlicker, ...
Nature medicine 21 (11), 1350-1356, 2015
Effects of KRAS, BRAF, NRAS, and PIK3CA mutations on the efficacy of cetuximab plus chemotherapy in chemotherapy-refractory metastatic colorectal cancer: a retrospective …
W De Roock, B Claes, D Bernasconi, J De Schutter, B Biesmans, ...
The lancet oncology 11 (8), 753-762, 2010
Gene expression profiling in breast cancer: understanding the molecular basis of histologic grade to improve prognosis
C Sotiriou, P Wirapati, S Loi, A Harris, S Fox, J Smeds, H Nordgren, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 98 (4), 262-272, 2006
70-gene signature as an aid to treatment decisions in early-stage breast cancer
F Cardoso, LJ van’t Veer, J Bogaerts, L Slaets, G Viale, S Delaloge, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 375 (8), 717-729, 2016
Validation and clinical utility of a 70-gene prognostic signature for women with node-negative breast cancer
M Buyse, S Loi, L Van't Veer, G Viale, M Delorenzi, AM Glas, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 98 (17), 1183-1192, 2006
Prognostic Role of KRAS and BRAF in Stage II and III Resected Colon Cancer: Results of the Translational Study on the PETACC-3, EORTC 40993, SAKK 60-00 …
AD Roth, S Tejpar, M Delorenzi, P Yan, R Fiocca, D Klingbiel, D Dietrich, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 28 (3), 466-474, 2010
A comparison of methods for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data
C Soneson, M Delorenzi
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-18, 2013
Cancer cell–autonomous contribution of type I interferon signaling to the efficacy of chemotherapy
A Sistigu, T Yamazaki, E Vacchelli, K Chaba, DP Enot, J Adam, I Vitale, ...
Nature medicine 20 (11), 1301-1309, 2014
Strong time dependence of the 76-gene prognostic signature for node-negative breast cancer patients in the TRANSBIG multicenter independent validation series
C Desmedt, F Piette, S Loi, Y Wang, F Lallemand, B Haibe-Kains, G Viale, ...
Clinical cancer research 13 (11), 3207-3214, 2007
Meta-analysis of gene expression profiles in breast cancer: toward a unified understanding of breast cancer subtyping and prognosis signatures
P Wirapati, C Sotiriou, S Kunkel, P Farmer, S Pradervand, B Haibe-Kains, ...
Breast Cancer Research 10, 1-11, 2008
Identification of molecular apocrine breast tumours by microarray analysis
P Farmer, H Bonnefoi, V Becette, M Tubiana-Hulin, P Fumoleau, ...
Breast Cancer Research 7, 1-1, 2005
Biological processes associated with breast cancer clinical outcome depend on the molecular subtypes
C Desmedt, B Haibe-Kains, P Wirapati, M Buyse, D Larsimont, ...
Clinical cancer research 14 (16), 5158-5165, 2008
Definition of clinically distinct molecular subtypes in estrogen receptor–positive breast carcinomas through genomic grade
S Loi, B Haibe-Kains, C Desmedt, F Lallemand, AM Tutt, C Gillet, P Ellis, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 25 (10), 1239-1246, 2007
Regional and cellular gene expression changes in human Huntington's disease brain
A Hodges, AD Strand, AK Aragaki, A Kuhn, T Sengstag, G Hughes, ...
Human molecular genetics 15 (6), 965-977, 2006
The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models
L Shi, G Campbell, WD Jones, F Campagne, Z Wen, SJ Walker, Z Su, ...
Nature biotechnology 28 (8), 827-838, 2010
Stem cell–related “self-renewal” signature and high epidermal growth factor receptor expression associated with resistance to concomitant chemoradiotherapy in glioblastoma
A Murat, E Migliavacca, T Gorlia, WL Lambiv, T Shay, MF Hamou, ...
Journal of clinical oncology 26 (18), 3015-3024, 2008
TOX reinforces the phenotype and longevity of exhausted T cells in chronic viral infection
F Alfei, K Kanev, M Hofmann, M Wu, HE Ghoneim, P Roelli, ...
Nature 571 (7764), 265-269, 2019
A stroma-related gene signature predicts resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer
P Farmer, H Bonnefoi, P Anderle, D Cameron, P Wirapati, V Becette, ...
Nature medicine 15 (1), 68-74, 2009
Distal and proximal colon cancers differ in terms of molecular, pathological, and clinical features
E Missiaglia, B Jacobs, G D'ario, AF Di Narzo, C Soneson, E Budinska, ...
Annals of oncology 25 (10), 1995-2001, 2014
Cooperation between constitutive and inducible chemokines enables T cell engraftment and immune attack in solid tumors
D Dangaj, M Bruand, AJ Grimm, C Ronet, D Barras, PA Duttagupta, ...
Cancer cell 35 (6), 885-900. e10, 2019
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