Zhongzheng Wang
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Disorder characterization of porous media and its effect on fluid displacement
Z Wang, K Chauhan, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Physical Review Fluids 4 (3), 034305, 2019
Effect of wetting transition during multiphase displacement in porous media
Z Wang, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Langmuir 36 (9), 2449-2458, 2020
Permeability of Uniformly Graded 3D Printed Granular Media
D Wei, Z Wang, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (5), e2020GL090728, 2021
Investigation into the shear strength of a weakly expansive soil over a wide suction range
G Niu, D Sun, L Kong, L Shao, H Wang, Z Wang
Acta Geotechnica 19 (5), 3059-3073, 2024
Effect of grain shape on quasi‐static fluid‐fluid displacement in porous media
Z Wang, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Water Resources Research 57 (4), e2020WR029415, 2021
Emergence of unstable invasion during imbibition in regular porous media
Z Wang, JM Pereira, E Sauret, Y Gan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 941, A40, 2022
Enhancing Spontaneous Droplet Motion on Structured Surfaces with Tailored Wedge Design
Z Wang, A Owais, C Neto, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2), 2000520, 2021
Pore-scale modeling of multiphase flow in porous media using a conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN)
Z Wang, H Jeong, Y Gan, JM Pereira, Y Gu, E Sauret
Physics of Fluids 34, 123325, 2022
Gas storage in geological formations: A comparative review on carbon dioxide and hydrogen storage
H Zhong, Z Wang, Y Zhang, S Suo, Y Hong, L Wang, Y Gan
Materials Today Sustainability 26, 100720, 2024
Effects of topological disorder in unsaturated granular media via a pore-scale lattice Boltzmann investigation
Z Shi, Z Wang, Y Gan
Advances in Water Resources 149, 103855, 2021
A pore-resolved interface tracking algorithm for simulating multiphase flow in arbitrarily structured porous media
Z Wang, JM Pereira, E Sauret, SA Aryana, Z Shi, Y Gan
Advances in Water Resources 162, 104152, 2022
Wettability impacts residual trapping of immiscible fluids during cyclic injection
Z Wang, JM Pereira, E Sauret, Y Gan
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 961, A19, 2023
Mobilization of trapped oil droplet in porous media through viscoelasticity
V Dzanic, CS From, Z Wang, A Gupta, C Xie, E Sauret
Physics of Fluids 35 (9), 2023
Electrohydrodynamic viscous fingering of leaky dielectric fluids in a channel
J Zhao, Z Wang, Y Gu, E Sauret
Physics of Fluids 35 (3), 034105, 2023
Numerical investigation of compressive stress and wettability effects on fluid transport in PEM fuel cell porous layers
Y Bao, Z Wang, Y Gan
Energy Technology, 2022
Influence of multiscale surface roughness on permeability in fractures
Z Wang, Y Bao, JM Pereira, E Sauret, Y Gan
Physical Review Fluids 7 (2), 024101, 2022
Packing of wet monodisperse spheres
Z Wang, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Powder Technology 378, 60-64, 2021
Towards the end of drying of granular materials: enhanced evaporation and drying-induced collapse
Z Wang, B Maillet, JM Pereira, Y Gan
Water Resources Research 57 (7), e2021WR030125, 2021
Localized oxygen control in a microfluidic osteochondral interface model recapitulates bone–cartilage crosstalk during osteoarthritis
LJY Ong, AR Sun, Z Wang, J Lee, I Prasadam, YC Toh
Advanced Functional Materials 34 (28), 2315608, 2024
Wet mono-sized granular packing: effects of initial clusters and filling strategy
M Dong, Z Wang, Y Gan
Powder Technology 407, 117678, 2022
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