Laura Stanley
Laura Stanley
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A person-centered approach to the study of commitment
JP Meyer, LJ Stanley, RJ Vandenberg
Human Resource Management Review 23 (2), 190-202, 2013
Quadriceps neuromuscular function and jump-landing sagittal-plane knee biomechanics after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
SH Ward, JT Blackburn, DA Padua, LE Stanley, MS Harkey, ...
Journal of athletic training 53 (2), 135-143, 2018
Ambulance crash characteristics in the US defined by the popular press: a retrospective analysis
TL Sanddal, ND Sanddal, N Ward, L Stanley
Emergency medicine international 2010 (1), 525979, 2010
Haptic and auditory cues for lane departure warnings
LM Stanley
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 50 …, 2006
Comparison of child and adult pedestrian perspectives of external features on autonomous vehicles using virtual reality experiment
S Deb, DW Carruth, M Fuad, LM Stanley, D Frey
Advances in Human Factors of Transportation: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 …, 2020
Alternative methodology for determining gap acceptance for two-way stop-controlled intersections
P McGowen, L Stanley
Journal of transportation engineering 138 (5), 495-501, 2012
A survey of empirical studies on persuasive technologies to promote sustainable living
S Agnisarman, KC Madathil, L Stanley
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 19, 112-122, 2018
Responses to enhanced wildlife advisories in a simulated environment
L Stanley, A Hardy, S Lassacher
Transportation research record 1980 (1), 126-133, 2006
Haptic and auditory interfaces as a collision avoidance technique during roadway departures and driver perception of these modalities
LM Stanley
Montana State University, 2006
Body mass index and type 2 collagen turnover in individuals after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
AR Lane, MS Harkey, HC Davis, BA Luc-Harkey, L Stanley, AC Hackney, ...
Journal of Athletic Training 54 (3), 270-275, 2019
Beyond access
L Stanley
Occasional paper 2, 2001
An affective computing in virtual reality environments for managing surgical pain and anxiety
VG Prabhu, C Linder, LM Stanley, R Morgan
2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2019
Comparing the impairment profiles of older drivers and non-drivers: Toward the development of a fitness-to-drive model
JF Antin, TE Lockhart, LM Stanley, F Guo
Safety science 50 (2), 333-341, 2012
A biofeedback enhanced adaptive virtual reality environment for managing surgical pain and anxiety
VG Prabhu, L Stanley, R Morgan
International Journal of Semantic Computing 14 (03), 375-393, 2020
Designing and developing a nature-based virtual reality with heart rate variability biofeedback for surgical anxiety and pain management: evidence from total knee arthroplasty …
V Girishan Prabhu, L Stanley, R Morgan, B Shirley
Aging & Mental Health 28 (5), 738-753, 2024
Ankle Dorsiflexion displacement is associated with hip and knee kinematics in females following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
LE Stanley, M Harkey, B Luc-Harkey, BS Frank, B Pietrosimone, ...
Research in Sports Medicine 27 (1), 21-33, 2019
Ergonomics service learning project: implementing an alternative educational method in an industrial engineering undergraduate ergonomics course
LT Page, LM Stanley
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 24 (5 …, 2014
Conventional versus moving-map navigation methods: Efficiency and safety evaluation
JF Antin, LM Stanley, KF Cicora
Transportation research record 2138 (1), 34-41, 2009
Affective state classification in virtual reality environments using electrocardiogram and respiration signals
A Kalatzis, L Stanley, VG Prabhu
2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual …, 2021
Guest Editorial Multifaceted Driver–Vehicle Systems: Toward More Effective Driving Simulations, Reliable Driver Modeling, and Increased Trust and Safety
R Driver
IEEE Transactions on human-machine systems 48 (1), 1, 2018
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