khaireddine Ben Mansour
khaireddine Ben Mansour
Université de Toulon
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Analysis of several methods and inertial sensors locations to assess gait parameters in able-bodied subjects
KB Mansour, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Gait & posture 42 (4), 409-414, 2015
The Multifeature Gait Score: An accurate way to assess gait quality
K Ben Mansour, P Gorce, N Rezzoug
PLoS one 12 (10), e0185741, 2017
The impact of Nordic walking training on the gait of the elderly
K Ben Mansour, P Gorce, N Rezzoug
Journal of sports sciences 36 (20), 2368-2374, 2018
Monitoring of various breathing rate with an accelerometer
KB Mansour, M Guesneau, KB Mansour
JETSAN 2021-Colloque en Télésanté et dispositifs biomédicaux-8ème édition, 2021
Foot side detection from lower lumbar spine acceleration
KB Mansour, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Gait & Posture 42 (3), 386-389, 2015
Comparison between several locations of gyroscope for gait events detection
K Ben Mansour, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering 18 (sup1), 1996-1997, 2015
Accelerometric signal during gait: cut-off frequency as a function of movement speed and sensor location
K Ben Mansour, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 16 (sup1), 68-69, 2013
Toward low cost system for real time monitoring of spine movement
KB Mansour, F Crison, C Trabelsi, C Palazzo, A Roren, E Klinger
Computer methods in BiomeChaniCs and BiomediCal engineering 20 (sup1), S15-S16, 2017
How new technologies can support patients adherence to home-based exercises?
KB Mansour, C Palazzo, V Dorner, S Poiradeau, I Ville, A Kadri, E Klinger
2017 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), 1-2, 2017
Autoévaluation par capteurs embarqués: application à la marche humaine bipédique
KB Mansour
Université de Toulon, 2016
Validation of a low-cost wearable accelerometer for temporal gait parameter quantification
K Ben Mansour, N Rezzoug, J Jacquier-Bret, P Gorce
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 17 (sup1), 160-161, 2014
The effect of regular walking with poles on the gait of elderly
K Ben Mansour, P Gorce, N Rezzoug
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 22 (sup1), S492-S493, 2019
Monitoring of various breathing rate with an accelerometer
M Guesneau, KB Mansour, KB Mansour
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