Kyrana Tsapkini
Kyrana Tsapkini
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The function of the left anterior temporal pole: evidence from acute stroke and infarct volume
K Tsapkini, CE Frangakis, AE Hillis
Brain 134 (10), 3094-3105, 2011
Processing compounds: A cross-linguistic study
G Jarema, C Busson, R Nikolova, K Tsapkini, G Libben
Brain and Language 68 (1-2), 362-369, 1999
Adaptation and validation of standardized aphasia tests in different languages: Lessons from the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination–Short Form in Greek
K Tsapkini, CH Vlahou, C Potagas
Behavioural neurology 22 (3-4), 111-119, 2010
The orthography-specific functions of the left fusiform gyrus: Evidence of modality and category specificity
K Tsapkini, B Rapp
Cortex 46 (2), 185-205, 2010
Semantic and phonological processing in illiteracy
MH Kosmidis, K Tsapkini, V Folia, CH Vlahou, G Kiosseoglou
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 10 (6), 818-827, 2004
Augmentation of spelling therapy with transcranial direct current stimulation in primary progressive aphasia: preliminary results and challenges
K Tsapkini, C Frangakis, Y Gomez, C Davis, AE Hillis
Aphasiology 28 (8-9), 1112-1130, 2014
Electrical brain stimulation in different variants of primary progressive aphasia: A randomized clinical trial
K Tsapkini, KT Webster, BN Ficek, JE Desmond, CU Onyike, B Rapp, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions 4 …, 2018
Treatment of primary progressive aphasia
DC Tippett, AE Hillis, K Tsapkini
Current treatment options in neurology 17, 1-11, 2015
Expressive and receptive vocabulary in children with Williams and Down syndromes
A Ypsilanti, G Grouios, A Alevriadou, K Tsapkini
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 49 (5), 353-364, 2005
A morphological processing deficit in verbs but not in nouns: A case study in a highly inflected language
K Tsapkini, G Jarema, E Kehayia
Journal of Neurolinguistics 15 (3-5), 265-288, 2002
The effect of tDCS on functional connectivity in primary progressive aphasia
BN Ficek, Z Wang, Y Zhao, KT Webster, JE Desmond, AE Hillis, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 19, 703-715, 2018
The role of morphological structure in the processing of compounds: The interface between linguistics and psycholinguistics
E Kehayia, G Jarema, K Tsapkini, D Perlak, A Ralli, D Kadzielawa
Brain and language 68 (1-2), 370-377, 1999
Lexical processing in illiteracy: Effect of literacy or education?
MH Kosmidis, K Tsapkini, V Folia
Cortex 42 (7), 1021-1027, 2006
Cerebellar tDCS: a novel approach to augment language treatment post-stroke
R Sebastian, S Saxena, K Tsapkini, AV Faria, C Long, A Wright, C Davis, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 695, 2017
Distinct mechanisms and timing of language recovery after stroke
S Jarso, M Li, A Faria, C Davis, R Leigh, R Sebastian, K Tsapkini, S Mori, ...
Cognitive neuropsychology 30 (7-8), 454-475, 2013
Spelling intervention in post-stroke aphasia and primary progressive aphasia
K Tsapkini, AE Hillis
Behavioural neurology 26 (1-2), 55-66, 2013
Agrammatic production: Interpretable features and selective impairment in verb inflection
V Fyndanis, S Varlokosta, K Tsapkini
Lingua 122 (10), 1134-1147, 2012
Patterns of breakdown in spelling in primary progressive aphasia
K Sepelyak, J Crinion, J Molitoris, Z Epstein-Peterson, M Bann, C Davis, ...
Cortex 47 (3), 342-352, 2011
Manifestations of morphological impairments in Greek aphasia: A case study
K Tsapkini, G Jarema, E Kehayia
Journal of Neurolinguistics 14 (2-4), 281-296, 2001
Regularity revisited: Evidence from lexical access of verbs and nouns in Greek
K Tsapkini, G Jarema, E Kehayia
Brain and Language 81 (1-3), 103-119, 2002
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