Ana Obrador
Ana Obrador
Sonstige NamenAna Francisca Obrador
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Comparison of EDTA and sequential extraction tests for phytoavailability prediction of manganese and zinc in agricultural alkaline soils
JM Alvarez, LM Lopez-Valdivia, J Novillo, A Obrador, MI Rico
Geoderma 132 (3-4), 450-463, 2006
Comparative effect of ZnO NPs, ZnO bulk and ZnSO4 in the antioxidant defences of two plant species growing in two agricultural soils under greenhouse conditions
C García-Gómez, A Obrador, D González, M Babín, MD Fernández
Science of the Total Environment 589, 11-24, 2017
Mobility and availability to plants of two zinc sources applied to a calcareous soil
A Obrador, J Novillo, JM Alvarez
Soil Science Society of America Journal 67 (2), 564-572, 2003
Comparative study of the phytotoxicity of ZnO nanoparticles and Zn accumulation in nine crops grown in a calcareous soil and an acidic soil
C García-Gómez, A Obrador, D González, M Babín, MD Fernández
Science of the total environment 644, 770-780, 2018
Relationships of soil properties with Mn and Zn distribution in acidic soils and their uptake by a barley crop
A Obrador, JM Alvarez, LM Lopez-Valdivia, D Gonzalez, J Novillo, MI Rico
Geoderma 137 (3-4), 432-443, 2007
Influence of thermal treatment on sequential extraction and leaching behaviour of trace metals in a contaminated sewage sludge
A Obrador, MI Rico, JM Alvarez, J Novillo
Bioresource technology 76 (3), 259-264, 2001
Integrating ecotoxicity and chemical approaches to compare the effects of ZnO nanoparticles, ZnO bulk, and ZnCl2 on plants and microorganisms in a natural soil
C García-Gómez, M Babin, A Obrador, JM Álvarez, MD Fernández
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 16803-16813, 2015
Effects of aged ZnO NPs and soil type on Zn availability, accumulation and toxicity to pea and beet in a greenhouse experiment
C García-Gómez, S García, AF Obrador, D González, M Babín, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 160, 222-230, 2018
Metal mobility and potential bioavailability in organic matter-rich soil-sludge mixtures: effect of soil type and contact time
A Obrador, MI Rico, JI Mingot, JM Alvarez
Science of the Total Environment 206 (2-3), 117-126, 1997
Soil pH effects on the toxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles to soil microbial community
C García-Gómez, MD Fernández, S García, AF Obrador, M Letón, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 28140-28152, 2018
Toxicity of ZnO Nanoparticles, ZnO Bulk, and ZnCl2 on Earthworms in a Spiked Natural Soil and Toxicological Effects of Leachates on Aquatic Organisms
C García-Gómez, M Babin, A Obrador, JM Álvarez, MD Fernández
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 67 (4), 465-473, 2014
Zinc transformations in acidic soil and zinc efficiency on maize by adding six organic zinc complexes
LM Lopez-Valdivia, MD Fernandez, A Obrador, JM Alvarez
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (6), 1455-1460, 2002
Behavior of zinc from six organic fertilizers applied to a navy bean crop grown in a calcareous soil
D Gonzalez, A Obrador, JM Alvarez
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55 (17), 7084-7092, 2007
Mobility and leachability of zinc in two soils treated with six organic zinc complexes
JM Alvarez, J Novillo, A Obrador, LM Lopez-Valdivia
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 49 (8), 3833-3840, 2001
Study of Zn availability, uptake, and effects on earthworms of zinc oxide nanoparticle versus bulk applied to two agricultural soils: Acidic and calcareous
C García-Gómez, S García-Gutiérrez, A Obrador, MD Fernández
Chemosphere 239, 124814, 2020
Both Zn biofortification and nutrient distribution pattern in cherry tomato plants are influenced by the application of ZnO nanofertilizer
P Almendros, D González, MD Fernández, C García-Gomez, A Obrador
Heliyon 8 (3), 2022
Zinc application in conjunction with urea as a fertilization strategy for improving both nitrogen use efficiency and the zinc biofortification of barley
D Gonzalez, P Almendros, A Obrador, JM Alvarez
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99 (9), 4445-4451, 2019
Biofortification of zinc in onions (Allium cepa L.) and soil Zn status by the application of different organic Zn complexes
P Almendros, A Obrador, D Gonzalez, JM Alvarez
Scientia Horticulturae 186, 254-265, 2015
Effect of zinc source applied to soils on its availability to navy bean
D Gonzalez, A Obrador, LM Lopez-Valdivia, JM Alvarez
Soil Science Society of America Journal 72 (3), 641-649, 2008
Effect of ageing of bare and coated nanoparticles of zinc oxide applied to soil on the Zn behaviour and toxicity to fish cells due to transfer from soil to water bodies
C García-Gómez, S García, A Obrador, P Almendros, D González, ...
Science of The Total Environment 706, 135713, 2020
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