Jesús Ruiz Fernández
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Zitiert von
Recent regional climate cooling on the Antarctic Peninsula and associated impacts on the cryosphere
M Oliva, F Navarro, F Hrbáček, A Hernandéz, D Nývlt, P Pereira, ...
Science of the Total Environment 580, 210-223, 2017
Guía clínica de intervención psicológica en adicciones
E Becoña, M Cortés, EJ Pedrero, JR Fernández, L Casete, MP Bermejo, ...
Barcelona: Socidrogalcohol 100, 2008
The little ice age in Iberian mountains
M Oliva, J Ruiz-Fernández, M Barriendos, G Benito, JM Cuadrat, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 177, 175-208, 2018
Permafrost conditions in the Mediterranean region since the Last Glaciation
M Oliva, M Žebre, M Guglielmin, PD Hughes, A Çiner, G Vieira, X Bodin, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 185, 397-436, 2018
Spatial and temporal variability of periglaciation of the Iberian Peninsula
M Oliva, E Serrano, A Gómez-Ortiz, MJ González-Amuchastegui, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 137, 176-199, 2016
Coupling patterns between para‐glacial and permafrost degradation responses in Antarctica
M Oliva, J Ruiz‐Fernández
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (9), 1227-1238, 2015
Reforestation and land use change as drivers for a decrease of avalanche damage in mid-latitude mountains (NW Spain)
C García-Hernández, J Ruiz-Fernández, C Sánchez-Posada, S Pereira, ...
Global and Planetary Change 153, 35-50, 2017
Environmental evolution in the Picos de Europa (Cantabrian Mountains, SW Europe) since the last glaciation
J Ruiz-Fernández, M Oliva, A Cruces, V Lopes, M da Conceição Freitas, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 138, 87-104, 2016
Active layer dynamics in three topographically distinct lake catchments in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica)
M Oliva, F Hrbacek, J Ruiz-Fernández, MÁ de Pablo, G Vieira, M Ramos, ...
Catena 149, 548-559, 2017
Spatial characterization of glacial and periglacial landforms in the highlands of Sierra Nevada (Spain)
P Palma, M Oliva, C García-Hernández, AG Ortiz, J Ruiz-Fernández, ...
Science of the Total Environment 584, 1256-1267, 2017
Morphometry of glacial cirques in the Cantabrian Range (Northwest Spain)
J Ruiz-Fernández, MA Poblete-Piedrabuena, MP Serrano-Muela, ...
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 47-68, 2009
Geomorphological processes and frozen ground conditions in elephant point (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)
M Oliva, J Ruiz-Fernández
Geomorphology 293, 368-379, 2017
Patterns of spatio-temporal paraglacial response in the Antarctic Peninsula region and associated ecological implications
J Ruiz-Fernández, M Oliva, D Nývlt, N Cannone, C García-Hernández, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 192, 379-402, 2019
Inexistence of permafrost at the top of the Veleta peak (Sierra Nevada, Spain)
M Oliva, A Gómez-Ortiz, F Salvador-Franch, M Salvà-Catarineu, ...
Science of the Total Environment 550, 484-494, 2016
Glacial stages and post-glacial environmental evolution in the Upper Garonne valley, Central Pyrenees
M Fernandes, M Oliva, P Palma, J Ruiz-Fernández, L Lopes
Science of the Total Environment 584, 1282-1299, 2017
Guía para la detección e intervención temprana con menores en riesgo
A González, JR Fernández, R Secades
Gijón: Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias. Disponible …, 2004
Radionuclides and soil properties as indicators of glacier retreat in a recently deglaciated permafrost environment of the Maritime Antarctica
A Navas, M Oliva, J Ruiz-Fernández, L Gaspar, L Quijano, I Lizaga
Science of the Total Environment 609, 192-204, 2017
Recursos didácticos en Geografía Física: Itinerario pedagógico sobre el paisaje natural del Oriente de Asturias
J Ruiz Fernández
Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie VI, Geografía, 2002
Paleofire dynamics in Central Spain during the Late Holocene: The role of climatic and anthropogenic forcing
JA López‐Sáez, G Vargas, J Ruiz‐Fernández, O Blarquez, ...
Land Degradation & Development 29 (7), 2045-2059, 2018
Postglacial landscape changes and cryogenic processes in the Picos de Europa (Northern Spain) reconstructed from geomorphological mapping and microstructures on quartz grains
A Nieuwendam, J Ruiz‐Fernández, M Oliva, V Lopes, A Cruces, ...
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 27 (1), 96-108, 2016
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