Monique Heijmans
Monique Heijmans
Nature Conservation and Plant Ecology Group, Wageningen University
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Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome
AD Bjorkman, IH Myers-Smith, SC Elmendorf, S Normand, N Rüger, ...
Nature 562 (7725), 57-62, 2018
Raised atmospheric CO2 levels and increased N deposition cause shifts in plant species composition and production in Sphagnum bogs
F Berendse, N Van Breemen, HÅ Rydin, A Buttler, M Heijmans, ...
Global change biology 7 (5), 591-598, 2001
Shrub expansion may reduce summer permafrost thaw in Siberian tundra
D Blok, MMPD Heijmans, G SCHAEPMAN‐STRUB, AV Kononov, ...
Global Change Biology 16 (4), 1296-1305, 2010
What are the main climate drivers for shrub growth in Northeastern Siberian tundra?
D Blok, U Sass-Klaassen, G Schaepman-Strub, M Heijmans, P Sauren, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (5), 1169-1179, 2011
Tundra vegetation change and impacts on permafrost
MMPD Heijmans, RÍ Magnússon, MJ Lara, GV Frost, IH Myers-Smith, ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 3 (1), 68-84, 2022
Permafrost collapse after shrub removal shifts tundra ecosystem to a methane source
AL Nauta, MMPD Heijmans, D Blok, J Limpens, BO Elberling, A Gallagher, ...
Nature climate change 5 (1), 67-70, 2015
The response of Arctic vegetation to the summer climate: relation between shrub cover, NDVI, surface albedo and temperature
D Blok, G Schaepman-Strub, H Bartholomeus, MMPD Heijmans, ...
Environmental Research Letters 6 (3), 035502, 2011
Decreased summer water table depth affects peatland vegetation
A Breeuwer, BJM Robroek, J Limpens, MMPD Heijmans, MGC Schouten, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 10 (4), 330-339, 2009
The cooling capacity of mosses: controls on water and energy fluxes in a Siberian tundra site
D Blok, M Heijmans, G Schaepman-Strub, J van Ruijven, FJW Parmentier, ...
Ecosystems 14, 1055-1065, 2011
Climatic modifiers of the response to nitrogen deposition in peat‐forming Sphagnum mosses: a meta‐analysis
J Limpens, G Granath, U Gunnarsson, R Aerts, S Bayley, L Bragazza, ...
New Phytologist 191 (2), 496-507, 2011
Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and increased nitrogen deposition on bog vegetation in the Netherlands
MMPD Heijmans, F Berendse, WJ Arp, AK Masselink, H Klees, ...
Journal of ecology 89 (2), 268-279, 2001
The nitrogen cycle in boreal peatlands
J Limpens, MMPD Heijmans, F Berendse
Boreal peatland ecosystems, 195-230, 2006
The effect of temperature on growth and competition between Sphagnum species
A Breeuwer, MMPD Heijmans, BJM Robroek, F Berendse
Oecologia 156, 155-167, 2008
Long‐term effects of climate change on vegetation and carbon dynamics in peat bogs
MMPD Heijmans, D Mauquoy, B Van Geel, F Berendse
Journal of Vegetation Science 19 (3), 307-320, 2008
Relationships among testate amoebae (Protozoa), vegetation and water chemistry in five Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in Europe
EAD Mitchell, A Buttler, P Grosvernier, HÅ Rydin, C Albinsson, ...
The New Phytologist 145 (1), 95-106, 2000
Carbon dioxide and water vapour exchange from understory species in boreal forest
MMPD Heijmans, WJ Arp, FS Chapin III
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 123 (3-4), 135-147, 2004
Spatial and temporal performance of the MiniFACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) system on bog ecosystems in northern and central Europe
F Miglietta, MR Hoosbeek, J Foot, F Gigon, A Hassinen, M Heijmans, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 66, 107-127, 2001
Persistent versus transient tree encroachment of temperate peat bogs: effects of climate warming and drought events
MMPD Heijmans, YAM van der Knaap, M Holmgren, J Limpens
Global Change Biology 19 (7), 2240-2250, 2013
Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome
HJD Thomas, AD Bjorkman, IH Myers-Smith, SC Elmendorf, J Kattge, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1351, 2020
Tundra Trait Team: A database of plant traits spanning the tundra biome
AD Bjorkman, IH Myers‐Smith, SC Elmendorf, S Normand, HJD Thomas, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (12), 1402-1411, 2018
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