Mike Kalish
Mike Kalish
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Perception of translational heading from optical flow.
WH Warren, MW Morris, M Kalish
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 14 (4), 646, 1988
Language evolution by iterated learning with Bayesian agents
TL Griffiths, ML Kalish
Cognitive science 31 (3), 441-480, 2007
Iterated learning: Intergenerational knowledge transmission reveals inductive biases
ML Kalish, TL Griffiths, S Lewandowsky
Psychonomic bulletin & review 14 (2), 288-294, 2007
On the sufficiency of the velocity field for perception of heading
WH Warren, AW Blackwell, KJ Kurtz, NG Hatsopoulos, ML Kalish
Biological cybernetics 65, 311-320, 1991
Population of linear experts: knowledge partitioning and function learning.
ML Kalish, S Lewandowsky, JK Kruschke
Psychological review 111 (4), 1072, 2004
Theoretical and empirical evidence for the impact of inductive biases on cultural evolution
TL Griffiths, ML Kalish, S Lewandowsky
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363 …, 2008
A rational model of function learning
CG Lucas, TL Griffiths, JJ Williams, ML Kalish
Psychonomic bulletin & review 22 (5), 1193-1215, 2015
The wisdom of individuals: Exploring people's knowledge about everyday events using iterated learning
S Lewandowsky, TL Griffiths, ML Kalish
Cognitive science 33 (6), 969-998, 2009
Working memory does not dissociate between different perceptual categorization tasks.
S Lewandowsky, LX Yang, BR Newell, ML Kalish
Journal of experimental psychology: learning, memory, and cognition 38 (4), 881, 2012
A Bayesian view of language evolution by iterated learning
TL Griffiths, ML Kalish
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 27 (27), 2005
Using category structures to test iterated learning as a method for identifying inductive biases
TL Griffiths, BR Christian, ML Kalish
Cognitive Science 32 (1), 68-107, 2008
Systems of category learning: Fact or fantasy?
BR Newell, JC Dunn, M Kalish
Psychology of learning and motivation 54, 167-215, 2011
Modeling human function learning with Gaussian processes
T Griffiths, C Lucas, J Williams, M Kalish
Advances in neural information processing systems 21, 2008
Simplified learning in complex situations: knowledge partitioning in function learning.
S Lewandowsky, M Kalish, SK Ngang
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 131 (2), 163, 2002
The effect of feedback delay and feedback type on perceptual category learning: the limits of multiple systems.
JC Dunn, BR Newell, ML Kalish
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (4), 840, 2012
The dimensionality of perceptual category learning: A state-trace analysis
BR Newell, JC Dunn, M Kalish
Memory & Cognition 38 (5), 563-581, 2010
Knowledge and expertise
S Lewandowsky, D Little, ML Kalish
Handbook of applied cognition, 83-109, 2007
Introduction. Cultural transmission and the evolution of human behaviour
K Smith, ML Kalish, TL Griffiths, S Lewandowsky
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 363 …, 2008
State-trace analysis
JC Dunn, ML Kalish
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Identifying strategy use in category learning tasks: a case for more diagnostic data and models.
C Donkin, BR Newell, M Kalish, JC Dunn, RM Nosofsky
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41 (4), 933, 2015
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