Recep Gündoğan
Recep Gündoğan
Professor of Soil science
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Copper (II) adsorption from aqueous solution by herbaceous peat
R Gündoğan, B Acemioğlu, MH Alma
Journal of colloid and interface science 269 (2), 303-309, 2004
Using ASTER imagery in land use/cover classification of eastern Mediterranean landscapes according to CORINE land cover project
A Yüksel, AE Akay, R Gundogan
Sensors 8 (2), 1237-1251, 2008
Using the remote sensing and GIS technology for erosion risk mapping of Kartalkaya dam watershed in Kahramanmaras, Turkey
A Yuksel, R Gundogan, AE Akay
Sensors 8 (8), 4851-4865, 2008
Soil NO3− level and O2 availability are key factors in controlling N2O reduction to N2 following long-term liming of an acidic sandy soil
M Senbayram, A Budai, R Bol, D Chadwick, L Marton, R Gündogan, D Wu
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 132, 165-173, 2019
Application of GeoWEPP for determining sediment yield and runoff in the Orcan Creek watershed in Kahramanmaras, Turkey
A Yüksel, AE Akay, R Gundogan, M Reis, M Cetiner
Sensors 8 (2), 1222-1236, 2008
Copper (II) removal from aqueous solution by organosolv lignin and its recovery
B Acemioǧlu, A Samil, MH Alma, R Gundogan
Journal of applied polymer science 89 (6), 1537-1541, 2003
Relationship between site index and several mechanical properties of Turkish calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.)
I Bektas, MH Alma, N As, R Gundogan
Forest products journal 53 (2), 27-31, 2003
Using the WEPP model to predict sediment yield in a sample watershed in Kahramanmaras region
A Yuksel, AE Akay, M Reis, R Gundogan
International Congress River Basin Management 2, 11-22, 2007
Tillage impacts on initial soil erosion in wheat and sainfoin fields under simulated extreme rainfall treatments
T Yakupoglu, R Gundogan, T Dindaroglu, K Kusvuran, V Gokmen, ...
Sustainability 13 (2), 789, 2021
Influence of site on sapwood and heartwood ratios of Turkish calabrian pine
I Bektas, MH Alma, Y Goker, A Yuksel, R Gundogan
Forest Products Journal 53 (4), 48-50, 2003
Toprak özelliklerinin mekansal değişim desenlerinin jeoistatistiksel yöntemlerle belirlenmesi
H Başbozkurt, T Öztaş, A Karaibrahimoğlu, R Gündoğan, A Genç
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 44 (2), 169-181, 2013
Using high-resolution digital elevation model for computer-aided forest road design
AE Akay, IR Karas, J Sessions, A Yuksel, N Bozali, R Gundogan
The Proceedings for XXth International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote …, 2004
Gâvur Gölü bataklığı coğrafi özellikleri ve rehabilitasyon planı
M Gürbüz, H Korkmaz, R Gündoğan, M Dığrak
Kahramanmaraş Valiliği İl Çevre Müdürlüğü Yayınları, 2003
Using the Remote Sensing and GIS Technology for Erosion Risk Mapping of Kartalkaya Dam Watershed in Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
A Yüksel, R Gündoğan, AE Akay
Sensors 8 (8), 4851-4865, 2008
Toprakların agregat stabilitesi değerlerinin yapay sinir ağları ile tahminlenmesi
T Yakupoğlu, AÖ Şişman, R Gündoğan
Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi 2 (2), 83-92, 2015
Multispectral UAV and satellite images for digital soil modeling with gradient descent boosting and artificial neural network
T Dindaroğlu, M Kılıç, E Günal, R Gündoğan, AE Akay, M Seleiman
Earth Science Informatics 15 (4), 2239-2263, 2022
Effects of land conversion from native shrub to pistachio orchard on soil erodibility in an arid region
T Yakupoglu, R Gundogan, T Dindaroglu, Z Kara
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-12, 2017
An illustration of a sustainable agricultural land suitability assessment system with a land degradation sensitivity
M Kılıç, R Gündoğan, H Günal
Environment, Development and Sustainability 26 (3), 6085-6107, 2024
Arazi Kullanım Planlamasının Erozyon Kontrol Çalışmalarındaki Önemi: Kartalkya Baraj Havzası Örneği
R Gündoğan, A Yüksel, AE Akay, N Bozali, O Doğan
Baraj Havzalarında Ormancılık I. Ulusal Sempozyumu, 29-30, 2008
Pedogenesis and classification of soils in Kahramanmaraş Province, Turkey
K Yılmaz, R Gündoğan, AR Demirkıran
International Symposium on Desertification ISD, Proceedings p, 517-524, 1998
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