Florian Sense
Florian Sense
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An individual's rate of forgetting is stable over time but differs across materials
F Sense, F Behrens, RR Meijer, H van Rijn
Topics in cognitive science 8 (1), 305-321, 2016
Opportunity for verbalization does not improve visual change detection performance: A state-trace analysis
F Sense, CC Morey, M Prince, A Heathcote, RD Morey
Behavior research methods 49, 853-862, 2017
Lockdown learning: Changes in online foreign-language study activity and performance of Dutch secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic
M van der Velde, F Sense, R Spijkers, M Meeter, H van Rijn
Frontiers in Education 6, 712987, 2021
Predicting university students’ exam performance using a model-based adaptive fact-learning system
F Sense, M van der Velde, H van Rijn
Journal of Learning Analytics 8 (3), 155-169, 2021
Reflections of idiographic long-term memory characteristics in resting-state neuroimaging data
P Zhou, F Sense, H van Rijn, A Stocco
Cognition 212, 104660, 2021
Alleviating the cold start problem in adaptive learning using data-driven difficulty estimates
M van der Velde, F Sense, J Borst, H van Rijn
Computational Brain & Behavior 4 (2), 231-249, 2021
Lockdown learning: Changes in online study activity and performance of Dutch secondary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic
M van der Velde, F Sense, R Spijkers, M Meeter, H van Rijn
OSF, 2021
Using the selection, optimization, and compensation model of action-regulation to explain college students’ grades and study satisfaction.
D Moghimi, NW Van Yperen, F Sense, H Zacher, S Scheibe
Journal of educational psychology 113 (1), 181, 2021
Exploration of the rate of forgetting as a domain-specific individual differences measure
F Sense, RR Meijer, H van Rijn
Frontiers in Education 3, 112, 2018
Cognition‐enhanced machine learning for better predictions with limited data
F Sense, R Wood, MG Collins, J Fiechter, A Wood, M Krusmark, ...
Topics in cognitive science 14 (4), 739-755, 2022
Capturing dynamic performance in a cognitive model: Estimating ACT‐R memory parameters with the linear ballistic accumulator
M van der Velde, F Sense, JP Borst, L van Maanen, H Van Rijn
Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (4), 889-903, 2022
Benefits of adaptive learning transfer from typing-based learning to speech-based learning
T Wilschut, F Sense, M van der Velde, Z Fountas, SC Maaß, H van Rijn
Frontiers in artificial intelligence 4, 780131, 2021
Optimizing fact-learning with a response-latency-based adaptive system
F Sense, H van Rijn
OSF, 2022
Probabilistic motor sequence learning in a virtual reality serial reaction time task
F Sense, H van Rijn
PloS one 13 (6), e0198759, 2018
Distributed patterns of functional connectivity underlie individual differences in long-term memory forgetting
Y Xu, C Prat, F Sense, H van Rijn, A Stocco
bioRxiv, 2021.08. 04.455133, 2021
An individual's rate of forgetting is stable over time but differs across materials. Topics in Cognitive Science, 8 (1), 305–321
F Sense, F Behrens, RR Meijer, H van Rijn
Combining Cognitive and Machine Learning Models to Mine CPR Training Histories for Personalized Predictions.
F Sense, M Krusmark, J Fiechter, MG Collins, L Sanderson, J Onia, ...
International Educational Data Mining Society, 2021
Translating a typing-based adaptive learning model to speech-based L2 vocabulary learning
T Wilschut, M van der Velde, F Sense, Z Fountas, H van Rijn
Proceedings of the 29th ACM conference on user modeling, Adaptation and …, 2021
Within-subject performance on a real-life, complex task and traditional lab experiments: Measures of word learning, Raven matrices, tapping, and CPR
F Sense, S Maaß, K Gluck, H van Rijn
Journal of Cognition 2 (1), 12, 2019
Speaking to remember: Model-based adaptive vocabulary learning using automatic speech recognition
T Wilschut, F Sense, H van Rijn
Computer Speech & Language 84, 101578, 2024
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