Björn Illing
Björn Illing
Postdoctoral researcher, Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology
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Swimming performance of marine fish larvae: review of a universal trait under ecological and environmental pressure
AT Downie, B Illing, AM Faria, JL Rummer
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 30, 93-108, 2020
Critical thermal maxima of early life stages of three tropical fishes: Effects of rearing temperature and experimental heating rate
B Illing, AT Downie, M Beghin, JL Rummer
Journal of Thermal Biology 90, 102582, 2020
Thermal impacts on the growth, development and ontogeny of critical swimming speed in Atlantic herring larvae
M Moyano, B Illing, P Peschutter, KB Huebert, MA Peck
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2016
Importance of health assessments for conservation in noncaptive wildlife
S Kophamel, B Illing, E Ariel, M Difalco, LF Skerratt, M Hamann, LC Ward, ...
Conservation Biology 36 (1), e13724, 2022
Linking individual physiological indicators to the productivity of fish populations: A case study of Atlantic herring
M Moyano, B Illing, P Polte, P Kotterba, Y Zablotski, T Gröhsler, ...
Ecological Indicators 113, 106146, 2020
Parasite infection directly impacts escape response and stress levels in fish
BJM Allan, B Illing, EP Fakan, P Narvaez, AS Grutter, PC Sikkel, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 223 (16), jeb230904, 2020
Behavioral and physiological responses to prey match-mismatch in larval herring
B Illing, M Moyano, J Berg, M Hufnagl, MA Peck
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 201, 82-94, 2018
Linking rates of metabolism and growth in marine fish larvae
M Moyano, B Illing, L Christiansen, MA Peck
Marine Biology 165, 1-14, 2018
Limiting motorboat noise on coral reefs boosts fish reproductive success
SL Nedelec, AN Radford, P Gatenby, IK Davidson, L Velasquez Jimenez, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2822, 2022
Effects of salinity on swimming performance and oxygen consumption rate of shiner perch Cymatogaster aggregata
EAF Christensen, B Illing, NS Iversen, JL Johansen, P Domenici, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 504, 32-37, 2018
Caught in the middle: bottom-up and top-down processes impacting recruitment in a small pelagic fish
M Moyano, B Illing, A Akimova, K Alter, V Bartolino, G Börner, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 33 (1), 55-84, 2023
Direct effects of microalgae and protists on herring (Clupea harengus) yolk sac larvae
B Illing, M Moyano, J Niemax, MA Peck
PloS One 10 (6), e0129344, 2015
Physiology can contribute to better understanding, management, and conservation of coral reef fishes
B Illing, JL Rummer
Conservation Physiology 5 (1), 2017
Ontogeny of swimming capacity in plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) larvae
L Silva, M Moyano, B Illing, AM Faria, S Garrido, MA Peck
Marine Biology 162, 753-761, 2015
Projected habitat loss for Atlantic herring in the Baltic Sea
B Illing, M Moyano, M Hufnagl, MA Peck
Marine Environmental Research 113, 164-173, 2016
Rapid physiological and transcriptomic changes associated with oxygen delivery in larval anemonefish suggest a role in adaptation to life on hypoxic coral reefs
AT Downie, S Lefevre, B Illing, J Harris, MD Jarrold, MI McCormick, ...
PLoS biology 21 (5), e3002102, 2023
Habitat complexity and predator odours impact on the stress response and antipredation behaviour in coral reef fish
EP Fakan, BJM Allan, B Illing, AS Hoey, MI McCormick
Plos one 18 (6), e0286570, 2023
Automated flow control of a multi-lane swimming chamber for small fishes indicates species-specific sensitivity to experimental protocols
B Illing, A Severati, J Hochen, P Boyd, P Raison, R Mather, AT Downie, ...
Conservation Physiology 9 (1), coaa131, 2021
Turbidity effects on prey consumption and survival of larval European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus)
B Illing, J Sehl, S Reiser
Aquatic Sciences 86 (3), 84, 2024
Coral reef fishes in a multi-stressor world
JL Rummer, B Illing
Fish Physiology 39, 325-391, 2022
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