Stephen ZuckeMan
Stephen ZuckeMan
Institute Fellow, Urban Institute
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Measuring hospital efficiency with frontier cost functions
S Zuckerman, J Hadley, L Iezzoni
Journal of health economics 13 (3), 255-280, 1994
A house is not a home: keeping patients at the center of practice redesign
RA Berenson, T Hammons, DN Gans, S Zuckerman, K Merrell, ...
Health Affairs 27 (5), 1219-1230, 2008
Characteristics of occasional and frequent emergency department users: do insurance coverage and access to care matter?
S Zuckerman, YC Shen
Medical care 42 (2), 176-182, 2004
Health service access, use, and insurance coverage among American Indians/Alaska Natives and Whites: what role does the Indian Health Service play?
S Zuckerman, J Haley, Y Roubideaux, M Lillie-Blanton
American journal of public health 94 (1), 53-59, 2004
Appointment availability after increases in Medicaid payments for primary care
D Polsky, M Richards, S Basseyn, D Wissoker, GM Kenney, S Zuckerman, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 372 (6), 537-545, 2015
How did Medicare's prospective payment system affect hospitals?
J Feder, J Hadley, S Zuckerman
The New England journal of medicine 317 (14), 867-873, 1987
Clarifying sources of geographic differences in Medicare spending
S Zuckerman, T Waidmann, R Berenson, J Hadley
New England Journal of Medicine 363 (1), 54-62, 2010
Trends In Medicaid Physician Fees, 2003–2008: The fees that Medicaid pays physicians have not caught up with those of Medicare and may have contributed to enrollees' access …
S Zuckerman, AF Williams, KE Stockley
Health Affairs 28 (Suppl1), w510-w519, 2009
Medicaid Managed Care In Thirteen States: As more states make managed care mandatory for their Medicaid populations, questions persist about the quality of care and the effect …
J Holahan, S Zuckerman, A Evans, S Rangarajan
Health Affairs 17 (3), 43-63, 1998
Undocumented immigrants, left out of health reform, likely to continue to grow as share of the uninsured
S Zuckerman, TA Waidmann, E Lawton
Health Affairs 30 (10), 1997-2004, 2011
The COVID-19 pandemic is straining families’ abilities to afford basic needs
M Karpman, S Zuckerman, D Gonzalez, GM Kenney
Washington, DC: Urban Institute 500, 2020
Changes In Medicaid Physician Fees, 1998–2003: Implications For Physician Participation: Despite recent gains, the relative attractiveness of Medicaid patients has not improved …
S Zuckerman, J McFeeters, P Cunningham, L Nichols
Health Affairs 23 (Suppl1), W4-374-W4-384, 2004
Effects of tort reforms and other factors on medical malpractice insurance premiums
S Zuckerman, RR Bovbjerg, F Sloan
Inquiry, 167-182, 1990
Financial pressure and competition: changes in hospital efficiency and cost-shifting behavior
J Hadley, S Zuckerman, LI Iezzoni
Medical care 34 (3), 205-219, 1996
The effect of Medicaid payment generosity on access and use among beneficiaries
YC Shen, S Zuckerman
Health services research 40 (3), 723-744, 2005
Information on malpractice: A review of empirical research on major policy issues
S Zuckerman, CF Koller, RR Bovbjerg
Law & Contemp. Probs. 49, 85, 1986
One in seven adults in immigrant families reported avoiding public benefit programs in 2018
H Bernstein, D Gonzalez, M Karpman, S Zuckerman
Urban Institute, 2019
The health reform monitoring survey: addressing data gaps to provide timely insights into the affordable care act
SK Long, GM Kenney, S Zuckerman, DE Goin, D Wissoker, F Blavin, ...
Health Affairs 33 (1), 161-167, 2014
Medicaid physician fees after the ACA primary care fee bump
S Zuckerman, L Skopec, M Epstein
Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 2017
Hispanic adults in families with noncitizens disproportionately feel the economic fallout from COVID-19
D Gonzalez, M Karpman, GM Kenney, S Zuckerman
Washington, DC: Urban Institute 13, 1-10, 2020
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