Griselda Quiroz Compeán
Griselda Quiroz Compeán
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Stability analysis in COVID-19 within-host model with immune response
AES Almocera, G Quiroz, EA Hernandez-Vargas
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 95, 105584, 2021
Weighting Restriction for Intravenous Insulin Delivery on T1DM Patient via Control
R Femat, E Ruiz-Velázquez, G Quiroz
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 6 (2), 239-247, 2009
The evolution of control algorithms in artificial pancreas: A historical perspective
G Quiroz
Annual Reviews in Control 48, 222-232, 2019
An adaptive observer for operation monitoring of anaerobic digestion wastewater treatment
A Rodríguez, G Quiroz, R Femat, HO Méndez-Acosta, J de León
Chemical Engineering Journal 269, 186-193, 2015
On hyperglicemic glucose basal levels in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus from dynamic analysis
G Quiroz, R Femat
Mathematical biosciences 210 (2), 554-575, 2007
Theoretical blood glucose control in hyper-and hypoglycemic and exercise scenarios by means of an H∞ algorithm
G Quiroz, R Femat
Journal of theoretical biology 263 (1), 154-160, 2010
Suboptimal H hyperglycemia control on T1DM accounting biosignals of exercise and nocturnal hypoglycemia
G Quiroz, CP Flores‐Gutiérrez, R Femat
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 32 (2), 239-252, 2011
Decoding the torque of lower limb joints from EEG recordings of pre-gait movements using a machine learning scheme
L Mercado, L Alvarado, G Quiroz-Compean, R Romo-Vazquez, ...
Neurocomputing 446, 118-129, 2021
H Control of Anaerobic Digester for Winery Industry Wastewater Treatment
R Flores-Estrella, G Quiroz, HO Méndez-Acosta, R Femat
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (7), 2625-2632, 2013
Robust stabilization of positive linear systems via sliding positive control
H Leyva, FA Carrillo, G Quiroz, R Femat
Journal of Process Control 41, 47-55, 2016
Robust μ-synthesis: Towards a unified glucose control in adults, adolescents and children with T1DM
E Ruiz-Velázquez, J García-Rodríguez, G Quiroz, R Femat
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (14), 9633-9653, 2020
Parameter estimation of a meal glucose–insulin model for TIDM patients from therapy historical data
OD Sánchez, E Ruiz‐Velázquez, AY Alanís, G Quiroz, L Torres‐Treviño
IET systems biology 13 (1), 8-15, 2019
Neural modeling of the blood glucose level for type 1 diabetes mellitus patients
E Ruiz-Velázquez, AY Alanis, R Femat, G Quiroz
2011 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2011
Insulin stabilisation in artificial pancreas: a positive control approach
H Leyva, G Quiroz, FA Carrillo, R Femat
IET Control Theory & Applications 13 (7), 970-978, 2019
Coherence analysis of EEG in locomotion using graphs
G Quiroz, A Espinoza-Valdez, RA Salido-Ruiz, L Mercado
Revista mexicana de ingeniería biomédica 38 (1), 235-246, 2017
Chaos evidence in catecholamine secretion at chromaffin cells
G Quiroz, I Bonifas, JG Barajas-Ramirez, R Femat
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 45 (7), 988-997, 2012
Rapid insulin stabilization via sliding modes control for T1DM therapy
H Leyva, G Quiroz, F Carrillo, R Femat
Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automática AMCA, 2013
Analyzing the performance of segmented trajectory reconstruction of lower limb movements from EEG signals with combinations of electrodes, gaps, and delays
JMA Luis Mercado, Griselda Quiroz-Compean
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 68, 102783, 2021
Parametric identification of Sorensen model for glucose-insulin-carbohydrates dynamics using evolutive algorithms
E Ruiz Velázquez, OD Sánchez, G Quiroz, GO Pulido
Kybernetika 54 (1), 110-134, 2018
Estudio dinámico y de propiedades geométricas sobre el metabolismo de la glucosa e insulina en diabéticos tipo 1
G Quiroz Compeán
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