Rosa M. Banda
Rosa M. Banda
Sonstige NamenRosa Banda
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
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Latina college students’ experiences in STEM at Hispanic-serving institutions: Framed within Latino critical race theory
HC Contreras Aguirre, E Gonzalez, RM Banda
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 33 (8), 810-823, 2020
Cultivating science identity through sources of self-efficacy
AM Flowers III, R Banda
Journal for Multicultural Education 10 (3), 405-417, 2016
Birds of a feather do not always flock together: A critical analysis of Latina engineers and their involvement in student organizations
RM Banda, AM Flowers III
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 16 (4), 359-374, 2017
From the inside looking out: Latinas intersectionality and their engineering departments
RM Banda
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 33 (8), 824-839, 2020
An investigation of Black males in advanced placement math and science courses and their perceptions of identity related to STEM possibilities
AM Flowers III, RM Banda
Gifted Child Today 42 (3), 129-139, 2019
Critical qualitative research as a means to advocate for Latinas in STEM
RM Banda, AM Flowers
International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 31 (8), 769-783, 2018
Numbers don’t lie: Problematizing faculty diversity at HSIs
RM Banda, AM Flowers, P Robinson
Journal for Multicultural Education 11 (4), 250-263, 2017
Perceptions of social support networks and climate in the persistence of Latinas pursuing an undergraduate engineering degree
RM Banda
Texas A&M University, 2012
When giftedness and poverty collide and why it matters: Gifted, poor, Black males majoring in engineering
A Flowers, RM Banda
Journal of African American Males in Education (JAAME) 9 (2), 1-22, 2018
Importance of mentoring for Latina college students pursuing STEM degrees at HSIs
HCC Aguirre, RM Banda
Crossing borders/crossing boundaries 111, 2019
The Masculinity Paradox: Conceptualizing the Experiences of Men of Color in STEM.
Culture, Society & Masculinities 7 (1), 2015
Latino males in higher education, experiences affecting retention
S Luis, E Gonzalez, RM Banda, F Bonner
Journal of Latinos and Education 22 (1), 325-338, 2023
Square pegs and round holes: Alternative approaches to diverse college student development theory
FA Bonner II, RM Banda, SL Smith
Taylor & Francis, 2023
“Need help? We got you!”: Sources of support for first-generation Latinx student-athletes
N Grafnetterova, RM Banda
Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education 18 (1), 23-42, 2024
¡ Culture empowers!: The pathways to degree attainment of first-generation Latinx student-athletes
N Grafnetterova, RM Banda
Journal of Latinos and Education 22 (3), 990-1004, 2023
Teamwork makes the dream work: Experiences of student-athletes in STEM with dual advising
N Grafnetterova, HCC Aguirre, RM Banda
The Journal of the National Academic Advising Association 41 (1), 47-63, 2021
Identidad invisible: Hispanic-Serving Institutions operating as predominantly white institutions
JA Gutierrez, RM Banda
Empowering student researchers: Critical contributions by emerging 21st …, 2022
Leadership through the lenses of Latinas: Undergraduate college students in STEM-related disciplines at regional HSIs
HCC Aguirre, R Banda, EM Gonzalez
An asset-based approach to advancing Latina students in STEM, 165-180, 2020
Curriculum design for millennial students of color
RM Banda, AM Flowers, P Robinson, G Royal, RA Santos, N Zuniga
Diverse Millennial Students in College, 261-277, 2011
FOR 2014
FA Bonner, AF Marbley, F Tuitt, PA Robinson, RM Banda, R Hughes
Black faculty in the Academy: Narratives for negotiating identity and …, 0
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