Sérgio Dias-da-Silva
Sérgio Dias-da-Silva
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A unique Late Triassic dinosauromorph assemblage reveals dinosaur ancestral anatomy and diet
SF Cabreira, AWA Kellner, S Dias-da-Silva, LR da Silva, M Bronzati, ...
Current Biology 26 (22), 3090-3095, 2016
Early evolution of sauropodomorphs: anatomy and phylogenetic relationships of a remarkably well-preserved dinosaur from the Upper Triassic of southern Brazil
RT Müller, MC Langer, M Bronzati, CP Pacheco, SF Cabreira, ...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184 (4), 1187-1248, 2018
Gnathovorax cabreirai: a new early dinosaur and the origin and initial radiation of predatory dinosaurs
C Pacheco, RT Müller, M Langer, FA Pretto, L Kerber, SD da Silva
PeerJ 7, e7963, 2019
An exceptionally preserved association of complete dinosaur skeletons reveals the oldest long-necked sauropodomorphs
RT Müller, MC Langer, S Dias-da-Silva
Biology letters 14 (11), 20180633, 2018
Middle–Late Permian tetrapods from the Rio do Rasto Formation, southern Brazil: A biostratigraphic reassessment
S Dias-da-Silva
Lethaia 45 (1), 109-120, 2012
A new aetosaur from the Upper Triassic of the Santa Maria Formation, southern Brazil
LR Da Silva, JB Desojo, SF Cabreira, ASS Aires, RT Müller, CP Pacheco, ...
Magnolia Press, 2014
New material of Procolophon (Parareptilia: Procolophonoidea) from the Lower Triassic of Brazil, with remarks on the ages of the Sanga do Cabral and Buena Vista formations of …
S Dias-da-Silva, SP Modesto, CL Schultz
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 43 (11), 1685-1693, 2006
New postcranial elements of the T halassodrominae (P terodactyloidea, T apejaridae) from the R omualdo F ormation (A ptian–A lbian), S antana G roup, A raripe B asin, B razil
ASS Aires, AWA Kellner, RT Müller, LR Da Silva, CP Pacheco, ...
Palaeontology 57 (2), 343-355, 2014
A new Upper Triassic cynodont-bearing fossiliferous site from southern Brazil, with taphonomic remarks and description of a new traversodontid taxon
AEB Pavanatto, FA Pretto, L Kerber, RT Müller, ÁAS Da-Rosa, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 88, 179-196, 2018
Rhytidosteid temnospondyls in Gondwana: a new taxon from the Lower Triassic of Brazil
S DIAS‐DA‐SILVA, C Marsicano, CL Schultz
Palaeontology 49 (2), 381-390, 2006
Bica São Tomé, um novo sítio fossilífero para o Triássico Inferior do sul do Brasil
AAS Da-Rosa, G Piñeiro, S Dias-da-Silva, JC Cisneros, FF Feltrin, ...
Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia 12 (1), 67-76, 2009
Integrating zooarchaeology in the conservation of coastal-marine ecosystems in Brazil
T Fossile, J Ferreira, D da Rocha Bandeira, S Dias-da-Silva, ...
Quaternary International 545, 38-44, 2020
Prozostrodon brasiliensis, a probainognathian cynodont from the Late Triassic of Brazil: second record and improvements on its dental anatomy
CP Pacheco, AG Martinelli, AEB Pavanatto, MB Soares, S Dias-da-Silva
Historical Biology 30 (4), 475-485, 2018
The oldest known co-occurrence of dinosaurs and their closest relatives: a new lagerpetid from a Carnian (Upper Triassic) bed of Brazil with implications for dinosauromorph …
MS Garcia, RT Müller, ÁAS Da-Rosa, S Dias-da-Silva
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 91, 302-319, 2019
The presence of Compsocerops (Brachyopoidea: Chigutisauridae) (Late Triassic) in southern Brazil with comments on chigutisaurid palaeobiogeography
S DIAS‐da‐SILVA, DP Sengupta, SF Cabreira, LR Da Silva
Palaeontology 55 (1), 163-172, 2012
First record of stereospondyls (Tetrapoda, Temnospondyli) in the Upper Triassic of southern Brazil
S Dias-da-Silva, EV Dias, CL Schultz
Gondwana Research 15 (1), 131-136, 2009
Biostratigraphic reappraisal of the Lower Triassic Sanga do Cabral Supersequence from South America, with a description of new material attributable to the parareptile genus …
S Dias-da-Silva, FL Pinheiro, ÁAS Da-Rosa, AG Martinelli, CL Schultz, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 79, 281-296, 2017
First record of non-mammalian cynodonts (Therapsida) in the Sanga do Cabral Formation (Early Triassic) of southern Brazil
F Abdala, S Dias-de-Silva, JC Cisneros
A capitosauroid from the Lower Triassic of South America (Sanga do Cabral Supersequence: Paraná Basin), its phylogenetic relationships and biostratigraphic implications
E Eltink, ÁAS Da-Rosa, S Dias-da-Silva
Historical Biology 29 (7), 863-874, 2017
A new Permian temnospondyl with Russian affinities from South America, the new family Konzhukoviidae, and the phylogenetic status of Archegosauroidea
CP Pacheco, E Eltink, RT Müller, S Dias-da-Silva
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15 (3), 241-256, 2017
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