Ali Beskok
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Microflows and nanoflows: Fundamentals and Simulation
G Karnidakis, A Beskok, N Aluru
Interdisciplinary Applied Math. Springer Science+ Business Media Inc, 817, 2005
Report: a model for flows in channels, pipes, and ducts at micro and nano scales
A Beskok, GE Karniadakis
Microscale thermophysical engineering 3 (1), 43-77, 1999
Microflows: fundamentals and simulation
G Karniadakis, A Beskok
Springer, 2002
Rarefaction and compressibility effects in gas microflows
A Beskok, GE Karniadakis, W Trimmer
Analytical solution of combined electroosmotic/pressure driven flows in two-dimensional straight channels: finite Debye layer effects
P Dutta, A Beskok
Analytical chemistry 73 (9), 1979-1986, 2001
Simulation of heat and momentum transfer in complex microgeometries
A Beskok, GE Karniadakis
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat transfer 8 (4), 647-655, 1994
Size dependent surface charge properties of silica nanoparticles
M Barisik, S Atalay, A Beskok, S Qian
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (4), 1836-1842, 2014
Analytical solution of time periodic electroosmotic flows: analogies to Stokes' second problem
P Dutta, A Beskok
Analytical Chemistry 73 (21), 5097-5102, 2001
Molecular dynamics simulations of thermal resistance at the liquid-solid interface
BH Kim, A Beskok, T Cagin
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (17), 2008
Generating fixed concentration arrays in a microfluidic device
MA Holden, S Kumar, ET Castellana, A Beskok, PS Cremer
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 92 (1-2), 199-207, 2003
Zeta potential of selected bacteria in drinking water when dead, starved, or exposed to minimal and rich culture media
KA Soni, AK Balasubramanian, A Beskok, SD Pillai
Current microbiology 56, 93-97, 2008
Probing nanoparticle interactions in cell culture media
AC Sabuncu, J Grubbs, S Qian, TM Abdel-Fattah, MW Stacey, A Beskok
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 95, 96-102, 2012
Numerical simulation of mixed electroosmotic/pressure driven microflows
P Dutta, A Beskok, TC Warburton
Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A: Applications 41 (2), 131-148, 2002
Electroosmotic flow control in complex microgeometries
P Dutta, A Beskok, TC Warburton
Journal of Microelectromechanical systems 11 (1), 36-44, 2002
Temperature dependence of thermal resistance at the water/silicon interface
M Barisik, A Beskok
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 77, 47-54, 2014
Thermal interactions in nanoscale fluid flow: molecular dynamics simulations with solid–liquid interfaces
BH Kim, A Beskok, T Cagin
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 5, 551-559, 2008
Rarefaction effects on shear driven oscillatory gas flows: a direct simulation Monte Carlo study in the entire Knudsen regime
JH Park, P Bahukudumbi, A Beskok
Physics of Fluids 16 (2), 317-330, 2004
Electro-osmosis-driven micro-channel flows: A comparative study of microscopic particle image velocimetry measurements and numerical simulations
M Kim, A Beskok, K Kihm
Experiments in Fluids 33 (1), 170-180, 2002
Particle trapping in high-conductivity media with electrothermally enhanced negative dielectrophoresis
S Park, M Koklu, A BeskoK
Analytical chemistry 81 (6), 2303-2310, 2009
Equilibrium molecular dynamics studies on nanoscale-confined fluids
M Barisik, A Beskok
Microfluidics and nanofluidics 11, 269-282, 2011
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