Laura Klein
Laura Klein
Head Curator & Director of Herbal Research
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Rootstocks: diversity, domestication, and impacts on shoot phenotypes
EJ Warschefsky, LL Klein, MH Frank, DH Chitwood, JP Londo, ...
Trends in plant science 21 (5), 418-437, 2016
Latent developmental and evolutionary shapes embedded within the grapevine leaf
DH Chitwood, LL Klein, R O'Hanlon, S Chacko, M Greg, C Kitchen, ...
New Phytologist 210 (1), 343-355, 2016
Morphological plant modeling: Unleashing geometric and topological potential within the plant sciences
A Bucksch, A Atta-Boateng, AF Azihou, D Battogtokh, A Baumgartner, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 900, 2017
Using living germplasm collections to characterize, improve, and conserve woody perennials
Z Migicovsky, E Warschefsky, LL Klein, AJ Miller
Crop Science 59 (6), 2365-2380, 2019
Digital morphometrics of two North American grapevines (Vitis: Vitaceae) quantifies leaf variation between species, within species, and among individuals
LL Klein, M Caito, C Chapnick, C Kitchen, R O'Hanlon, DH Chitwood, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 373, 2017
Topological data analysis as a morphometric method: using persistent homology to demarcate a leaf morphospace
M Li, H An, R Angelovici, C Bagaza, A Batushansky, L Clark, V Coneva, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 553, 2018
Rootstock effects on scion phenotypes in a ‘Chambourcin’experimental vineyard
Z Migicovsky, ZN Harris, LL Klein, M Li, A McDermaid, DH Chitwood, ...
Horticulture Research 6 (1), 64, 2019
High‐throughput sequencing data clarify evolutionary relationships among North American Vitis species and improve identification in USDA Vitis germplasm …
LL Klein, AJ Miller, C Ciotir, K Hyma, S Uribe‐Convers, J Londo
American journal of botany 105 (2), 215-226, 2018
DY Hong, S Ge, TG Lammers, LL Klein
Flora of China 19, 505-512, 2011
Characterizing 3D inflorescence architecture in grapevine using X-ray imaging and advanced morphometrics: implications for understanding cluster density
M Li, LL Klein, KE Duncan, N Jiang, DH Chitwood, JP Londo, AJ Miller, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany, 2019
Characterizing grapevine 3D inflorescence architecture using X-ray imaging and advanced morphometrics: implications for understanding cluster density
M Li, LL Klein, KE Duncan, N Jiang, DH Chitwood, J Londo, AJ Miller, ...
bioRxiv, 557819, 2019
Climatic niche characterization of 13 North American Vitis species
ST Callen, LL Klein, AJ Miller
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 67 (3), 339-349, 2016
Comprehensive methods for leaf geometric morphometric analyses
LL Klein, HT Svoboda
Bio-protocol 7, e2269, 2017
DY Hong, TG Lammers, LL Klein
Flora of China 19, 513-526, 2011
Persistent homology demarcates a leaf morphospace
M Li, H An, R Angelovici, C Bagaza, A Batushansky, L Clark, V Coneva, ...
bioRxiv, 151712, 2017
A synopsis of Codonopsis subg. Pseudocodonopsis (Campanulaceae: Campanuloideae), with description of a new species of uncertain provenance.
TG Lammers, LL Klein
Botanical Studies 51 (4), 2010
Rootstock Effects on Shoot System Phenotypes in Grafted Grapevines
Z Migicovsky, A Bozzolo, D Chitwood, A Fennell, Z Harris, LL Klein, ...
Plant and Animal Genome XXVII Conference (January 12-16, 2019), 2019
Comparative Morphology and Population Genomics of Naturally Co-Occurring North American Vitis Species
LL Klein
Saint Louis University, 2017
Leaves as composites of latent developmental and evolutionary shapes
DH Chitwood, LL Klein, AJ Miller, JP Londo
bioRxiv, 018291, 2015
Campanulaceae: Flora of China
LLK Deyuan, Hing, Ge Song, Thomas G Lammers
Science Press, Beijing, China; Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis, MO 19 …, 2011
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