Lisandro Roco
Lisandro Roco
Faculty of Economics and Government, Universidad San Sebastian
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Farmers’ perception of climate change in mediterranean Chile
L Roco, A Engler, BE Bravo-Ureta, R Jara-Rojas
Regional environmental change 15, 867-879, 2015
IPCC 2022 - Chapter 12: Central and South America
EJ Castellanos, MF Lemos, L Astigarraga, N Chacón, N Cuvi, C Huggel, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2022
Farm level adaptation decisions to face climatic change and variability: Evidence from Central Chile
L Roco, A Engler, B Bravo-Ureta, R Jara-Rojas
Environmental Science & Policy 44, 86-96, 2014
Factors affecting the adoption of agroforestry practices: insights from silvopastoral systems of Colombia
R Jara-Rojas, S Russy, L Roco, D Fleming-Muñoz, A Engler
Forests 11 (6), 648, 2020
The impact of climatic change adaptation on agricultural productivity in Central Chile: A stochastic production frontier approach
L Roco, B Bravo-Ureta, A Engler, R Jara-Rojas
Sustainability 9 (9), 1648, 2017
Implications of climate change for semi-arid dualistic agriculture: a case study in Central Chile
FJ Fernández, M Blanco, RD Ponce, F Vásquez-Lavín, L Roco
Regional Environmental Change 19, 89-100, 2019
Farmers’ options to address water scarcity in a changing climate: Case studies from two basins in Mediterranean Chile
L Roco, D Poblete, F Meza, G Kerrigan
Environmental management 58, 958-971, 2016
Factores que influyen en la adopción de tecnologías de conservación de suelos en el secano interior de Chile Central
L Roco Fuentes, A Engler Palma, R Jara-Rojas
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo 44 …, 2012
The use of digital social networks and engagement in Chilean wine industry
F Egaña, C Pezoa-Fuentes, L Roco
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 16 (5), 1248 …, 2021
Análisis de la experiencia pedagógica: campamento EXPLORA Chile VA! Valorando la biodiversidad maulina
M Fuentealba Cruz, F Marín Isamit, F Castillo Retamal, L Roco Fuentes
Rev. Actual. Investig. Educ, 229-254, 2017
Forest Plantations’ Externalities: An Application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process to Non-Industrial Forest Owners in Central Chile
G Bottaro, L Roco, D Pettenella, S Micheletti, J Vanhulst
Forests 9 (3), 141, 2018
Factors affecting the adoption of agroforestry practices: insights from silvopastoral systems of Colombia. Forests, 11 (6), 648
R Jara-Rojas, S Russy, L Roco, D Fleming-Muñoz, A Engler
Factors influencing the adoption of soil conservation technologies in the rainfed area of Central Chile.
L Roco Fuentes, A Engler Palma, R Jara-Rojas
Segmentation of consumer preferences for vegetables produced in areas depressed by drought
C Adasme-Berríos, R Valdes, L Roco, D Gómez, E Carvajal, C Herrera, ...
Sustainability 14 (10), 6190, 2022
Tolerance to heavy metal stress in seedlings of three pine species from contrasting environmental conditions in Chile
AD Arencibia, C Rodríguez, L Roco, C Vergara, N González-Soto, ...
IForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry 9 (6), 937, 2016
Valuing urban drinking water supply attributes: A case study from Chile
C González-Santander, M Sarrias, RA Daziano, L Roco
Water Resources and Economics 39, 100204, 2022
Towards sustainable transformation: Research priorities in climate change and biodiversity
P Edwards, S Juhola, P Saxena, T Balag'kutu, A Bastos, A Capon, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, 2024
Identification of productive clusters in the blueberry cultivation (Vaccinium corymbosum) in central Chile
C Mena, Y Ormazábal, J Cantillana, L Roco
Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad del Zulia 39 (1), e223902, 2022
Identifying the Determinants of the Increase in Native Forests in Southern Chile
L Roco, J Grebe, P Rosales, C Bravo
Forests 14 (9), 1926, 2023
Climatic change adaptation strategies in farming systems: An analysis from Central Chile
L Roco, A Engler
Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program Working Papers, 2012
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