Angela Gardiner
Angela Gardiner
Senior Lecturer & Head of Department, University of Hull
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Physiology of the gastrointestinal tract
G Duthie, A Gardner
John Wiley & Sons, 2006
Obstetric anal sphincter injury: prospective evaluation of incidence
A Varma, J Gunn, A Gardiner, SW Lindow, GS Duthie
Diseases of the colon & rectum 42 (12), 1537-1542, 1999
Normal female anal sphincter: difficulties in interpretation explained
RC Bollard, A Gardiner, S Lindow, K Phillips, GS Duthie
Diseases of the colon & rectum 45 (2), 171-175, 2002
Rectoanal reflex parameters in incontinence and constipation
G Kaur, A Gardiner, GS Duthie
Diseases of the colon & rectum 45 (7), 928-933, 2002
Anterior anal sphincter repair for fecal incontinence: good longterm results are possible
S Maslekar, AB Gardiner, GS Duthie
Journal of the American College of Surgeons 204 (1), 40-46, 2007
Randomized clinical trial of Entonox®versus midazolam–fentanyl sedation for colonoscopy
S Maslekar, A Gardiner, M Hughes, B Culbert, GS Duthie
Journal of British Surgery 96 (4), 361-368, 2009
Anal sphincter injury, fecal and urinary incontinence
RC Bollard, A Gardiner, GS Duthie, SW Lindow
Diseases of the colon & rectum 46 (8), 1083-1088, 2003
Early results of a rotational flap to treat chronic anal fissures
M Singh, A Sharma, A Gardiner, GS Duthie
International journal of colorectal disease 20, 339-342, 2005
Patient satisfaction with lower gastrointestinal endoscopy: doctors, nurse and nonmedical endoscopists
S Maslekar, M Hughes, A Gardiner, JRT Monson, GS Duthie
Colorectal Disease 12 (10), 1033-1038, 2010
Investigation and treatment of faecal incontinence
S Maslekar, A Gardiner, C Maklin, GS Duthie
Postgraduate medical journal 82 (968), 363-371, 2006
Randomized controlled trial of patient‐controlled sedation for colonoscopy: Entonox vs modified patient‐maintained target‐controlled propofol
S Maslekar, P Balaji, A Gardiner, B Culbert, JRT Monson, GS Duthie
Colorectal Disease 13 (1), 48-57, 2011
Addressing common stoma complications
A Gardiner
Nursing & Residential Care 15 (3), 128-133, 2013
Rectal irrigation for relief of functional bowel disorders
A Gardiner, J Marshall, G Duthie
Nursing Standard (through 2013) 19 (9), 39, 2004
Use of hyperbaric oxygen to treat chronic anal fissure
JD Cundall, A Gardiner, G Laden, P Grout, GS Duthie
Journal of British Surgery 90 (4), 452-453, 2003
Sacral nerve stimulation for faecal incontinence
SH Pillinger, A Gardiner, GS Duthie
Digestive Surgery 22 (1-2), 1-5, 2005
Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of fecal incontinence secondary to pudendal neuropathy
JD Cundall, A Gardiner, K Chin, G Laden, P Grout, GS Duthie
Diseases of the colon & rectum 46, 1549-1554, 2003
Neural network analysis of anal sphincter repair
A Gardiner, G Kaur, J Cundall, GS Duthie
Diseases of the colon & rectum 47, 192-197, 2004
Randomised controlled trial of sedation for colonoscopy: entonox versus intravenous sedation
SK Maslekar, M Hughes, E Skinn, A Gardiner, B Culbert, GS Duthie
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 63 (5), AB97, 2006
Results of the United Kingdoms first pilot study for nonmedical endoscopy practitioners
AB Gardiner
Colorectal disease 11 (2), 208-214, 2009
Numeracy in nursing and healthcare: calculations and practice
P Shihab
Routledge, 2014
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