Eric Stern
Eric Stern
Research Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center
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Radiative heating of large meteoroids during atmospheric entry
CO Johnston, EC Stern, LF Wheeler
Icarus 309, 25-44, 2018
Detection of meteoroid impacts by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper on the GOES‐16 satellite
P Jenniskens, J Albers, CE Tillier, SF Edgington, RS Longenbaugh, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 53 (12), 2445-2469, 2018
Development of a three-dimensional, unstructured material response design tool
JC Schulz, E Stern, S Muppidi, G Palmer, O Schroeder, A Martin
55th AIAA aerospace sciences meeting, 0667, 2017
Nonequilibrium flow through porous thermal protection materials, Part I: Numerical methods
EC Stern, S Poovathingal, I Nompelis, TE Schwartzentruber, GV Candler
Journal of Computational Physics 380, 408-426, 2019
Nonequilibrium flow through porous thermal protection materials, Part II: Oxidation and pyrolysis
S Poovathingal, EC Stern, I Nompelis, TE Schwartzentruber, GV Candler
Journal of Computational Physics 380, 427-441, 2019
Interactions between asteroid fragments during atmospheric entry
PJ Register, MJ Aftosmis, EC Stern, JM Brock, PM Seltner, S Willems, ...
Icarus 337, 113468, 2020
Estimation of dynamic stability coefficients for aerodynamic decelerators using CFD
E Stern, V Gidzak, G Candler
30th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 3225, 2012
Computational fluid dynamics simulations of supersonic inflatable aerodynamic decelerator ballistic range tests
JM Brock, EC Stern, MC Wilder
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 56 (2), 526-535, 2019
A model for meteoroid ablation including melting and vaporization
B Dias, A Turchi, EC Stern, TE Magin
Icarus 345, 113710, 2020
A model for thermal radiation from the Tunguska airburst
CO Johnston, EC Stern
Icarus 327, 48-59, 2019
Arcjet ablation of stony and iron meteorites
P Agrawal, PM Jenniskens, E Stern, J Arnold, YK Chen
2018 Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 4284, 2018
Superposition method for force estimations on bodies in supersonic and hypersonic flows
A Marwege, S Willems, A Gülhan, MJ Aftosmis, EC Stern
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 55 (5), 1166-1180, 2018
Dynamic CFD simulations of the Meads ii ballistic range test model
E Stern, A Schwing, JM Brock, M Schoenenberger
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, 3243, 2016
Aerodynamics of inclined cylindrical bodies free-flying in a hypersonic flowfield
PM Seltner, S Willems, A Gülhan, EC Stern, JM Brock, MJ Aftosmis
Experiments in Fluids 62 (9), 182, 2021
Microscale simulations of porous TPS materials: application to permeability
E Stern, I Nompelis, TE Schwartzentruber, GV Candler
11th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference, 2247, 2014
Finite-rate and equilibrium study of graphite ablation under arc-jet conditions
AL Zibitsker, JA McQuaid, EC Stern, GE Palmer, BJ Libben, C Brehm, ...
Computers & Fluids 267, 106069, 2023
Morphological evolution of ordinary chondrite microstructure during heating: implications for atmospheric entry
F Panerai, B Bessire, J Haskins, C Foster, H Barnard, E Stern, J Feldman
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (5), 179, 2021
Thermodynamic and transport properties of meteor melt constituents from ab initio simulations: MgSiO3, SiO2, and MgO
JB Haskins, EC Stern, CW Bauschlicher, JW Lawson
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (23), 2019
A coupled ablation approach using Icarus and US3D
OM Schroeder, J Brock, E Stern, GV Candler
AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 0924, 2021
Attitude reconstruction of free-flight CFD generated trajectories using non-linear pitch damping coefficient curves
QE McKown, C Kazemba, E Stern, J Brock
AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 1169, 2022
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