Yajie Miao
Yajie Miao
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EESEN: End-to-end speech recognition using deep RNN models and WFST-based decoding
Y Miao, M Gowayyed, F Metze
2015 IEEE workshop on automatic speech recognition and understanding (ASRU …, 2015
Extracting deep bottleneck features using stacked auto-encoders
J Gehring, Y Miao, F Metze, A Waibel
2013 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2013
Speaker adaptive training of deep neural network acoustic models using i-vectors
Y Miao, H Zhang, F Metze
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 23 (11 …, 2015
Deep maxout networks for low-resource speech recognition
Y Miao, F Metze, S Rawat
2013 IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, 398-403, 2013
Kaldi+ PDNN: building DNN-based ASR systems with Kaldi and PDNN
Y Miao
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.6984, 2014
Towards speaker adaptive training of deep neural network acoustic models.
Y Miao, H Zhang, F Metze
Interspeech, 2189-2193, 2014
An empirical exploration of CTC acoustic models
Y Miao, M Gowayyed, X Na, T Ko, F Metze, A Waibel
2016 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2016
Viral video style: A closer look at viral videos on youtube
L Jiang, Y Miao, Y Yang, Z Lan, AG Hauptmann
Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 193-200, 2014
Simplifying long short-term memory acoustic models for fast training and decoding
Y Miao, J Li, Y Wang, SX Zhang, Y Gong
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Improving low-resource CD-DNN-HMM using dropout and multilingual DNN training.
Y Miao, F Metze
Interspeech 13, 2237-2241, 2013
Visual features for context-aware speech recognition
A Gupta, Y Miao, L Neves, F Metze
2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2017
On speaker adaptation of long short-term memory recurrent neural networks.
Y Miao, F Metze
INTERSPEECH, 1101-1105, 2015
Improvements to speaker adaptive training of deep neural networks
Y Miao, L Jiang, H Zhang, F Metze
2014 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 165-170, 2014
Informedia@ TrecVID 2014: MED and MER
SI Yu, L Jiang, Z Xu, Z Lan, S Xu, X Chang, X Li, Z Mao, C Gan, Y Miao, ...
TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation 2014, 2014
Modular combination of deep neural networks for acoustic modeling.
J Gehring, W Lee, K Kilgour, IR Lane, Y Miao, A Waibel, SV Campus
INTERSPEECH, 94-98, 2013
Open-Domain Audio-Visual Speech Recognition: A Deep Learning Approach.
Y Miao, F Metze
Interspeech 1 (2), 3, 2016
Distributed learning of multilingual DNN feature extractors using GPUs.
Y Miao, H Zhang, F Metze
INTERSPEECH, 830-834, 2014
Improving language-universal feature extraction with deep maxout and convolutional neural networks.
Y Miao, F Metze
INTERSPEECH, 800-804, 2014
Distance-aware DNNs for robust speech recognition.
Y Miao, F Metze
INTERSPEECH, 761-765, 2015
Semi-supervised training in low-resource ASR and KWS
F Metze, A Gandhe, Y Miao, Z Sheikh, Y Wang, D Xu, H Zhang, J Kim, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2015
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