Sean Sweetnam
Sean Sweetnam
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Beyond Langevin recombination: How equilibrium between free carriers and charge transfer states determines the open‐circuit voltage of organic solar cells
TM Burke, S Sweetnam, K Vandewal, MD McGehee
Advanced Energy Materials 5 (11), 1500123, 2015
Charge‐carrier mobility requirements for bulk heterojunction solar cells with high fill factor and external quantum efficiency> 90%
JA Bartelt, D Lam, TM Burke, SM Sweetnam, MD McGehee
Advanced energy materials 5 (15), 1500577, 2015
Characterization of the polymer energy landscape in polymer: fullerene bulk heterojunctions with pure and mixed phases
S Sweetnam, KR Graham, GO Ngongang Ndjawa, T Heumüller, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (40), 14078-14088, 2014
Molecular packing and solar cell performance in blends of polymers with a bisadduct fullerene
N Cates, S Sweetnam, ET Hoke, R Gysel, CE Miller, JA Bartelt, X Xie, ...
Nano letters 12 (3), 1566-1570, 2012
Use of X-ray diffraction, molecular simulations, and spectroscopy to determine the molecular packing in a polymer-fullerene bimolecular crystal
NC Miller, R Gysel, S Sweetnam, MD McGehee, E Cho, MJN Junk, ...
Advanced Materials (Weinheim) 24, 2012
Factors governing intercalation of fullerenes and other small molecules between the side chains of semiconducting polymers used in solar cells
N Cates, E Cho, R Gysel, C Risko, V Coropceanu, CE Miller, S Sweetnam, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (10), 1208-1217, 2012
Electron Barrier Formation at the Organic‐Back Contact Interface is the First Step in Thermal Degradation of Polymer Solar Cells
IT Sachs‐Quintana, T Heumüller, WR Mateker, DE Orozco, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (25), 3978-3985, 2014
The Roles of Structural Order and Intermolecular Interactions in Determining Ionization Energies and Charge‐Transfer State Energies in Organic Semiconductors
KR Graham, GON Ndjawa, SM Conron, R Munir, K Vandewal, JJ Chen, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (22), 1601211, 2016
The impact of donor–acceptor phase separation on the charge carrier dynamics in pBTTT: PCBM photovoltaic blends
DW Gehrig, IA Howard, S Sweetnam, TM Burke, MD McGehee, F Laquai
Macromolecular rapid communications 36 (11), 1054-1060, 2015
Bifurcations and sudden current change in ensembles of classically chaotic ratchets
A Kenfack, SM Sweetnam, AK Pattanayak
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 75 (5 …, 2007
Improved electronic coupling in hybrid organic–inorganic nanocomposites employing thiol-functionalized P3HT and bismuth sulfide nanocrystals
L Martínez, S Higuchi, AJ MacLachlan, A Stavrinadis, N Cates, ...
Nanoscale 6 (17), 10018-10026, 2014
How the energetic landscape in the mixed phase of organic bulk heterojunction solar cells evolves with fullerene content
S Sweetnam, R Prasanna, TM Burke, JA Bartelt, MD McGehee
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (12), 6427-6434, 2016
Characterizing the polymer: fullerene intermolecular interactions
S Sweetnam, K Vandewal, E Cho, C Risko, V Coropceanu, A Salleo, ...
Chemistry of Materials 28 (5), 1446-1452, 2016
Solar cell and its production process
C Ballif, FJ Haug, S Sweetnam, T Söderström
US Patent App. 13/497,657, 2012
Enhancement of microcrystalline nip solar cell performance via use of pre-covering layers and H2 treatment
S Sweetnam, T Söderström, FJ Haug, O Cubero, X Niquille, ...
Thin solid films 519 (16), 5567-5570, 2011
Solar cell and its production process
C Ballif, F Haug, S Sweetnam, T Soederstroem
Organic Electronics: The Roles of Structural Order and Intermolecular Interactions in Determining Ionization Energies and Charge‐Transfer State Energies in Organic …
KR Graham, GON Ndjawa, SM Conron, R Munir, K Vandewal, JJ Chen, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (22), 2016
Characterizing Molecular Interactions in Polymer: Fullerene Solar Cells
SM Sweetnam
Stanford University, 2015
Improved electronic coupling in hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites employing thiol-functionalized P3HT and non-toxic bismuth sulfide nanocrystals
L Martínez, S Higuchi, AJ MacLachlan, A Stavrinadis, NC Miller, ...
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