Gregor Cailliet
Gregor Cailliet
Professor Emeritus, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
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Management of sharks and their relatives (Elasmobranchii)
JA Musick, G Burgess, G Cailliet, M Camhi, S Fordham
Fisheries 25 (3), 9-13, 2000
A classification scheme for deep seafloor habitats
HG Greene, MM Yoklavich, RM Starr, VM O'Connell, WW Wakefield, ...
Oceanologica acta 22 (6), 663-678, 1999
Age and growth studies of chondrichthyan fishes: the need for consistency in terminology, verification, validation, and growth function fitting
GM Cailliet, WD Smith, HF Mollet, KJ Goldman
Environmental Biology of Fishes 77, 211-228, 2006
Fishes a field and laboratory manual on their structure, identification, and natural history
GM Cailliet, AW Ebeling
Belmont, California, United States Wadsworth Press, 1986
Age determination and validation in chondrichthyan fishes
KJ Goldman, GM Cailliet, AH Andrews, LJ Natanson
Biology of sharks and their relatives, Second edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton …, 2012
Age determination and validation studies of marine fishes: do deep-dwellers live longer?
GM Cailliet, AH Andrews, EJ Burton, DL Watters, DE Kline, ...
Experimental gerontology 36 (4-6), 739-764, 2001
Habitat associations of deep-water rockfishes in a submarine canyon: an example of a natural refuge
M Yoklavich, HG Greene, GM Cailliet, DE Sullivan, RN Lea, MS Love
Fishery Bulletin, 2000
Sharks, rays and chimaeras: the status of the Chondrichthyan fishes: status survey
SL Fowler
IUCN, 2005
Breaking with tradition: redefining measures for diet description with a case study of the Aleutian skate Bathyraja aleutica (Gilbert 1896)
SC Brown, JJ Bizzarro, GM Cailliet, DA Ebert
Environmental Biology of Fishes 95, 3-20, 2012
Age, growth and radiometric age validation of a deep-sea, habitat-forming gorgonian (Primnoa resedaeformis) from the Gulf of Alaska
AH Andrews, EE Cordes, MM Mahoney, K Munk, KH Coale, GM Cailliet, ...
Hydrobiologia 471, 101-110, 2002
Is the collapse of shark populations in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico real?
GH Burgess, LR Beerkircher, GM Cailliet, JK Carlson, E Cortés, ...
Fisheries 30 (10), 19-26, 2005
Elasmobranch age determination and verification: an updated review
GM Cailliet
NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 90, 157-165, 1990
Techniques for enhancing vertebral bands in age estimation of California elasmobranchs
GM Cailliet, LK Martin, D Kusher, P Wolf, BA Welden
Proceedings International Workshop on Age Determination of Oceanic Pelagic …, 1983
Preliminary studies on the age and growth of blue (Prionace glauca), common thresher (Alopias vulpinus), and shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) sharks from California waters
GM Cailliet, LK Martin, JT Harvey, D Kusher, BA Welden
Proceedings International Workshop on Age Determination of Oceanic Pelagic …, 1983
Comparative population demography of elasmobranchs using life history tables, Leslie matrices and stage-based matrix models
HF Mollet, GM Cailliet
Marine and Freshwater Research 53 (2), 503-515, 2002
Validated age and growth estimates for the shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the North Atlantic Ocean
LJ Natanson, NE Kohler, D Ardizzone, GM Cailliet, SP Wintner, HF Mollet
Special Issue: Age and Growth of Chondrichthyan Fishes: New Methods …, 2006
Elasmobranch age determination and verification: a review
GM Cailliet, RL Radtke, BA Welden
Indo-Pacific Fish Biology: proceedings of the second international …, 1986
Trophic ecology of the dominant fishes in Elkhorn Slough, California, 1974–1980
JP Barry, MM Yoklavich, GM Cailliet, DA Ambrose, BS Antrim
Estuaries 19, 115-138, 1996
Growth and demography of the Pacific angle shark (Squatina californica), based upon tag returns off California
GM Cailliet, HF Mollet, GG Pittenger, D Bedford, LJ Natanson
Marine and Freshwater Research 43 (5), 1313-1330, 1992
The deep-sea as a final global sink of semivolatile persistent organic pollutants? Part I: PCBs in surface and deep-sea dwelling fish of the North and South Atlantic and the …
O Froescheis, R Looser, GM Cailliet, WM Jarman, K Ballschmiter
Chemosphere 40 (6), 651-660, 2000
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