Viktor Kunakh
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Бiотехнологiя лiкарських рослин. Генетичнi та фiзiолого-бiохiмiчнi основи
ВА Кунах
Київ: Логос, 2005
Бiотехнологiя рослин: пiдручник
МД Мельничук, ТВ Новак, ВА Кунах
К.: ПолiграфКонсалтинг, 2003
Vascular plants of the Maritime Antarctic: origin and adaptation
I Parnikoza, I Kozeretska, V Kunakh
American Journal of Plant Sciences 2 (03), 381, 2011
Изменчивость растительного генома в процессе дедифференцировки и каллусообразования in vitro
ВА Кунах
Физиология растений 46 (6), 919-929, 1999
Molecular Cytogenetic Analysis of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. (Poaceae), Maritime Antarctic
AV Amosova, NL Bolsheva, TE Samatadze, MO Twardovska, ...
PloS one 10 (9), e0138878, 2015
Molecular evolution and variability of ITS1–ITS2 in populations of Deschampsia antarctica from two regions of the maritime Antarctic
RA Volkov, IA Kozeretska, SS Kyryachenko, IO Andreev, DN Maidanyuk, ...
Polar Science 4 (3), 469-478, 2010
Use of Deschampsia antarctica for nest building by the kelp gull in the Argentine Islands area (maritime Antarctica) and its possible role in plant dispersal
I Parnikoza, I Dykyy, V Ivanets, I Kozeretska, V Kunakh, A Rozhok, ...
Polar Biology 35, 1753-1758, 2012
Genome variation of plant somatic cells, II: variation in nature
VA Kunakh
Biopolim Kletka 11, 5-40, 1995
Genome variability in plant somatic cells. 3. Callus formation in vitro
VA Kunakh
Biopolymers and Cell 13 (5), 362-371, 1997
Genome variability in plant somatic cells. 4. Variability in the process of dedifferentiation and callus formation in vitro
VA Kunakh
Biopolymers and Cell 14 (4), 298-319, 1998
Пластичность генома соматических клеток и адаптивность растений
ВА Кунах
Молекулярная и прикладная генетика 12, 7-14, 2011
Molecular Organization of 5S Ribosomal DNА of Deschapmpsia antarctica
OO Ishchenko, ІІ Panchuk, ІO Andreev, VA Kunakh, RA Volkov
Cytology and Genetics 52, 416-421, 2018
Геномная изменчивость соматических клеток растений и факторы, регулирующие этот процесс
ВА Кунах
Цитология и генетика 14 (1), 73-81, 1980
Genome variability of plant somatic cells. 1. Variability during ontogenesis
VA Kunakh
Biopolymers and Cell 10 (6), 5-35, 1994
Spread of Antarctic vegetation by the kelp gull: comparison of two maritime Antarctic regions
I Parnikoza, A Rozhok, P Convey, M Veselski, J Esefeld, R Ochyra, ...
Polar Biology 41, 1143-1155, 2018
Comparative molecular cytogenetic characterization of seven Deschampsia (Poaceae) species
AV Amosova, NL Bolsheva, SA Zoshchuk, MO Twardovska, OY Yurkevich, ...
PLoS One 12 (4), e0175760, 2017
Mechanisms of Antarctic vascular plant adaptation to abiotic environmental factors
IP Ozheredova, IY Parnikoza, OO Poronnik, IA Kozeretska, SV Demidov, ...
Cytology and Genetics 49, 139-145, 2015
Habitat and leaf cytogenetic characteristics of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. in the Maritime Antarctica
IY Parnikoza, NY Miryuta, DN Maidanyuk, SA Loparev, SG Korsun, ...
Polar Science 1 (2-4), 121-128, 2007
Особенности получения и продуктивность суспензионных культур и клеточных клонов раувольфии змеиной Rauwolfia serpentina Benth. in vitro
ВА Кунах, ЛП Можилевская, СИ Губарь
Биотехнология, 9-21, 2001
Somaclonal Variation in Rauwolfia
VA Kunakh
Somaclonal Variation in Crop Improvement II, 315-332, 1996
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