Panpan Xie
Panpan Xie
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
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Enrichment of U-Re-V-Cr-Se and rare earth elements in the Late Permian coals of the Moxinpo Coalfield, Chongqing, China: Genetic implications from geochemical and mineralogical …
S Dai, P Xie, S Jia, CR Ward, JC Hower, X Yan, D French
Ore Geology Reviews 80, 1-17, 2017
Mineralogical and geochemical compositions of the Pennsylvanian coal in the Hailiushu Mine, Daqingshan Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China: Implications of sediment-source region …
S Dai, T Li, Y Jiang, CR Ward, JC Hower, J Sun, J Liu, H Song, J Wei, Q Li, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 137, 92-110, 2015
Petrological, geochemical, and mineralogical compositions of the low-Ge coals from the Shengli Coalfield, China: A comparative study with Ge-rich coals and a formation model …
S Dai, J Liu, CR Ward, JC Hower, P Xie, Y Jiang, MM Hood, JMK O'Keefe, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 71, 318-349, 2015
Elements and phosphorus minerals in the middle Jurassic inertinite-rich coals of the Muli Coalfield on the Tibetan Plateau
S Dai, JC Hower, CR Ward, W Guo, H Song, JMK O'Keefe, P Xie, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 144, 23-47, 2015
Anomalies of rare metals in Lopingian super-high-organic-sulfur coals from the Yishan Coalfield, Guangxi, China
S Dai, P Xie, CR Ward, X Yan, W Guo, D French, IT Graham
Ore Geology Reviews 88, 235-250, 2017
Origin of a kaolinite-NH4-illite-pyrophyllite-chlorite assemblage in a marine-influenced anthracite and associated strata from the Jincheng Coalfield, Qinshui Basin, Northern China
L Zhao, CR Ward, D French, IT Graham, S Dai, C Yang, P Xie, S Zhang
International Journal of Coal Geology 185, 61-78, 2018
Petrology, palynology, and geochemistry of gray hawk coal (early Pennsylvanian, Langsettian) in eastern Kentucky, USA
JC Hower, CF Eble, JMK O’Keefe, S Dai, P Wang, P Xie, J Liu, CR Ward, ...
Minerals 5 (3), 592-622, 2015
Determination of boron in coal using closed-vessel microwave digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
S Dai, W Song, L Zhao, X Li, JC Hower, CR Ward, P Wang, T Li, X Zheng, ...
Energy & Fuels 28 (7), 4517-4522, 2014
Lithium and redox-sensitive (Ge, U, Mo, V) element mineralization in the Pennsylvanian coals from the Huangtupo coalfield, Shanxi, northern China: With emphasis on the …
P Xie, JC Hower, VP Nechaev, D Ju, X Liu
Fuel 300, 120948, 2021
3D-printable aerogel-incorporated concrete: Anisotropy influence on physical, mechanical, and thermal insulation properties
G Ma, A Ruhan, P Xie, Z Pan, L Wang, JC Hower
Construction and Building Materials 323, 126551, 2022
The occurrence of buddingtonite in super-high-organic-sulphur coals from the Yishan Coalfield, Guangxi, southern China
S Dai, P Xie, D French, CR Ward, IT Graham, X Yan, W Guo
International Journal of Coal Geology 195, 347-361, 2018
Aspects of rare earth element enrichment in Central Appalachian coals
JC Hower, CF Eble, JS Backus, P Xie, J Liu, B Fu, MM Hood
Applied Geochemistry 120, 104676, 2020
Elemental geochemistry and mineralogy of coals and associated coal mine overburden from Makum coalfield (Northeast India)
BK Saikia, A Saikia, R Choudhury, P Xie, J Liu, T Das, HP Dekaboruah
Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1-21, 2016
Petrology and geochemistry of the Harlan, Kellioka, and Darby coals from the Louellen 7.5-minute quadrangle, Harlan County, Kentucky
MN Johnston, JC Hower, S Dai, P Wang, P Xie, J Liu
Minerals 5 (4), 894-918, 2015
Nitrogen isotopic compositions in NH4+-mineral-bearing coal: Origin and isotope fractionation
P Xie, S Dai, JC Hower, VP Nechaev, D French, IT Graham, X Wang, ...
Chemical Geology 559, 119946, 2021
Mineralogy and geochemistry of an organic-and V-Cr-Mo-U-rich siliceous rock of Late Permian age, western Hubei Province, China
X Wang, Y Tang, Y Jiang, P Xie, S Zhang, Z Chen
International Journal of Coal Geology 172, 19-30, 2017
Mineralogical characteristics of Late Permian coals from the Yueliangtian coal mine, Guizhou, southwestern China
P Xie, H Song, J Wei, Q Li
Minerals 6 (2), 29, 2016
Geochemical characteristics of the Late Permian coals from the Yueliangtian Coalfield, western Guizhou, southwestern China
P Xie, S Zhang, Z Wang, L Wang, Y Xu
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 1-15, 2017
Geochemistry of rare earth elements and yttrium in a Ge-poor coal from the Wulantuga ore deposit, Inner Mongolia, North China
J Liu, Y Jiang, P Xie, Q Li
International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 1, 390-394, 2014
Environmental economic profiles of expressway construction via life cycle assessment
Y Huang, X Zhao, R Zhang, P Xie, G Xue, G Ma
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 104, 107359, 2024
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