Prof. Frank Monahan
Prof. Frank Monahan
University College Dublin, Full Professor of Food Science, Dean of Agriculture, Head of School
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Fatty acid composition, including conjugated linoleic acid, of intramuscular fat from steers offered grazed grass, grass silage, or concentrate-based diets
P French, C Stanton, F Lawless, EG O'riordan, FJ Monahan, PJ Caffrey, ...
Journal of animal science 78 (11), 2849-2855, 2000
Effect of pH and temperature on protein unfolding and thiol/disulfide interchange reactions during heat-induced gelation of whey proteins
FJ Monahan, JB German, JE Kinsella
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 43 (1), 46-52, 1995
Vitamin E and meat quality
PA Morrissey, DJ Buckley, PJA Sheehy, FJ Monahan
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 53 (2), 289-295, 1994
The eating quality of meat of steers fed grass and/or concentrates
P French, EG O'riordan, FJ Monahan, PJ Caffrey, MT Mooney, DJ Troy, ...
Meat Science 57 (4), 379-386, 2001
Meat quality of steers finished on autumn grass, grass silage or concentrate-based diets
P French, EG O'riordan, FJ Monahan, PJ Caffrey, M Vidal, MT Mooney, ...
Meat Science 56 (2), 173-180, 2000
Inferring the origin and dietary history of beef from C, N and S stable isotope ratio analysis
O Schmidt, JM Quilter, B Bahar, AP Moloney, CM Scrimgeour, IS Begley, ...
Food Chemistry 91 (3), 545-549, 2005
Dietary tannins improve lamb meat colour stability
G Luciano, FJ Monahan, V Vasta, L Biondi, M Lanza, A Priolo
Meat science 81 (1), 120-125, 2009
The fatty acid composition of muscle fat and subcutaneous adipose tissue of pasture-fed beef heifers: Influence of the duration of grazing
F Noci, FJ Monahan, P French, AP Moloney
Journal of Animal Science 83 (5), 1167-1178, 2005
Influence of dietary fat and α-tocopherol supplementation on lipid oxidation in pork
FJ Monahan, DJ Buckley, PA Morrissey, PB Lynch, JI Gray
Meat Science 31 (2), 229-241, 1992
A comparison of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) fibres for measurement of hexanal and pentanal in cooked turkey
NP Brunton, DA Cronin, FJ Monahan, R Durcan
Food Chemistry 68 (3), 339-345, 2000
Colour of bovine subcutaneous adipose tissue: A review of contributory factors, associations with carcass and meat quality and its potential utility in authentication of …
PG Dunne, FJ Monahan, FP O’mara, AP Moloney
Meat science 81 (1), 28-45, 2009
Modeling the effect of glycerol on the moisture sorption behavior of whey protein edible films
JN Coupland, NB Shaw, FJ Monahan, ED O'Riordan, M O'Sullivan
Journal of food engineering 43 (1), 25-30, 2000
Multi-element (H, C, N, S) stable isotope characteristics of lamb meat from different European regions
F Camin, L Bontempo, K Heinrich, M Horacek, SD Kelly, C Schlicht, ...
Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 389, 309-320, 2007
Healthy processed meat products–Regulatory, reformulation and consumer challenges
S Grasso, NP Brunton, JG Lyng, F Lalor, FJ Monahan
Trends in food science & technology 39 (1), 4-17, 2014
Effect of an active packaging with citrus extract on lipid oxidation and sensory quality of cooked turkey meat
C Contini, R Álvarez, M O'sullivan, DP Dowling, SÓ Gargan, FJ Monahan
Meat science 96 (3), 1171-1176, 2014
The tenderisation of shin beef using a citrus juice marinade
RM Burke, FJ Monahan
Meat science 63 (2), 161-168, 2003
Influence of dietary treatment on lipid and cholesterol oxidation in pork
FJ Monahan, JI Gray, AM Booren, ER Miller, DJ Buckley, PA Morrissey, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 40 (8), 1310-1315, 1992
Antioxidant status, colour stability and myoglobin resistance to oxidation of longissimus dorsi muscle from lambs fed a tannin-containing diet
G Luciano, V Vasta, FJ Monahan, P López-Andrés, L Biondi, M Lanza, ...
Food chemistry 124 (3), 1036-1042, 2011
Effect of refined coconut oil or copra meal on methane output and on intake and performance of beef heifers
E Jordan, DK Lovett, FJ Monahan, J Callan, B Flynn, FP O'mara
Journal of Animal Science 84 (1), 162-170, 2006
Measurement of lipid oxidation in meat and meat products
JI Gray, FJ Monahan
Trends in Food Science & Technology 3, 315-319, 1992
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