Tomi Kyyrä
Tomi Kyyrä
Research Professor, VATT Institute for Economic Research
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Reduction in the long-term unemployment of the elderly: A success story from Finland
T Kyyrä, RA Wilke
Journal of the European Economic Association 5 (1), 154-182, 2007
Partial unemployment insurance benefits and the transition rate to regular work
T Kyyrä
European economic review 54 (7), 911-930, 2010
To search or not to search? The effects of UI benefit extension for the older unemployed
T Kyyrä, V Ollikainen
Journal of Public Economics 92 (10-11), 2048-2070, 2008
A gender wage gap decomposition for matched employer–employee data
O Korkeamäki, T Kyyrä
Labour Economics 13 (5), 611-638, 2006
Long-term effects of extended unemployment benefits for older workers
T Kyyrä, H Pesola
Labour Economics 62, 101777, 2020
The effect of receiving supplementary UI benefits on unemployment duration
T Kyyrä, P Parrotta, M Rosholm
Labour Economics 21, 122-133, 2013
Institutional rules, labour demand and retirement through disability programme participation
O Korkeamäki, T Kyyrä
Journal of Population Economics 25, 439-468, 2012
Unemployment insurance in Finland: A review of recent changes and empirical evidence on behavioral responses
T Kyyrä, H Pesola, A Rissanen
VATT Research Reports 184, 2017
Early retirement policy in the presence of competing exit pathways: Evidence from pension reforms in Finland
T Kyyrä
Economica 82 (325), 46-78, 2015
A distributional analysis of earnings losses of displaced workers in an economic depression and recovery
O Korkeamäki, T Kyyrä
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 76 (4), 565-588, 2014
Post-unemployment wages and economic incentives to exit from unemployment
T Kyyrä
VATT Institute for Economic Research Research Reports, 1999
The micro-level dynamics of declining labour share: Lessons from the Finnish great leap
T Kyyrä, M Maliranta
Industrial and Corporate Change 17 (6), 1147-1172, 2008
Integrated panel of Finnish companies and workers
T Kyyrä, O Korkeamäki
Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 2000
Aktiivimallin vaikutukset työttömiin ja TE-toimistojen toimintaan
T Kyyrä, P Naumanen, H Pesola, R Uusitalo, M Ylikännö
Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus, 2019
Early retirement policy in the presence of competing exit pathways: Evidence from policy reforms in Finland
T Kyyrä
Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 2010
Does subsidized part-time employment help unemployed workers to find full-time employment?
T Kyyrä, JM Arranz, C García-Serrano
Labour Economics 56, 68-83, 2019
The effects of UI benefits on unemployment and subsequent outcomes: Evidence from a kinked benefit rule
T Kyyrä, H Pesola
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 82 (5), 1135-1160, 2020
Does experience rating reduce disability inflow?
T Kyyrä, J Tuomala
VATT Working Papers 46, 2013
The gender wage gap and sex segregation in Finland
O Korkeamäki, T Kyyrä
VATT Discussion Papers 288, 1-19, 2002
Tulojen vaikutus työmarkkinasiirtymiin
T Kyyrä, P Holm
Valtion taloudellinen tutkimuskeskus VATT, 1997
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