nancy elder
nancy elder
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The preterm prediction study: Maternal stress is associated with spontaneous preterm birth at less than thirty-five weeks' gestation
RL Copper, RL Goldenberg, A Das, N Elder, M Swain, G Norman, ...
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 175 (5), 1286-1292, 1996
Use of alternative health care by family practice patients
NC Elder, A Gillcrist, R Minz
Archives of Family Medicine 6 (2), 181, 1997
Classification of medical errors and preventable adverse events in primary care: a synthesis of the literature
NC Elder, SM Dovey
Journal of Family Practice 51 (11), 927-932, 2002
Medical management of intimate partner violence considering the stages of change: precontemplation and contemplation
T Zink, N Elder, J Jacobson, B Klostermann
The Annals of Family Medicine 2 (3), 231-239, 2004
Testing process errors and their harms and consequences reported from family medicine practices: a study of the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research Network
J Hickner, DG Graham, NC Elder, E Brandt, CB Emsermann, S Dovey, ...
BMJ Quality & Safety 17 (3), 194-200, 2008
Reading and evaluating qualitative research studies
NC Elder, WL Miller
Journal of Family Practice 41 (3), 279-285, 1995
The identification of medical errors by family physicians during outpatient visits
NC Elder, MBV Meulen, A Cassedy
The Annals of Family Medicine 2 (2), 125-129, 2004
Implementing SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment) in primary care: lessons learned from a multi-practice evaluation portfolio
D Hargraves, C White, R Frederick, M Cinibulk, M Peters, A Young, ...
Public health reviews 38, 1-11, 2017
Perceived causes of family physicians' errors
JW Ely, W Levinson, NC Elder, AG Mainous, DC Vinson
Journal of Family Practice 40 (4), 337-344, 1995
How respected family physicians manage difficult patient encounters
N Elder, R Ricer, B Tobias
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 19 (6), 533-541, 2006
Barriers and motivators for making error reports from family medicine offices: a report from the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research Network (AAFP NRN)
NC Elder, D Graham, E Brandt, J Hickner
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 20 (2), 115-123, 2007
The฀ Art฀ of฀ Observation:฀ Impact฀ of฀ a฀ Family฀ Medicine฀ and฀ Art฀ Museum฀ Partnership฀ on฀ Student฀ Education
W Osler
Fam Med 38 (6), 393-8, 2006
Issues and initiatives in the testing process in primary care physician offices
JM Hickner, DH Fernald, DM Harris, EG Poon, NC Elder, JW Mold
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 31 (2), 81-89, 2005
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: a review
NC Elder
Archives of family medicine 1 (1), 91, 1992
What do family physicians consider an error? A comparison of definitions and physician perception
NC Elder, H Pallerla, S Regan
BMC family Practice 7, 1-9, 2006
How children affect the mother/victim's process in intimate partner violence
T Zink, N Elder, J Jacobson
Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 157 (6), 587-592, 2003
Reporting and using near-miss events to improve patient safety in diverse primary care practices: a collaborative approach to learning from our mistakes
S Crane, PD Sloane, N Elder, L Cohen, N Laughtenschlaeger, K Walsh, ...
The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 28 (4), 452-460, 2015
Management of test results in family medicine offices
NC Elder, TR McEwen, JM Flach, JJ Gallimore
The Annals of Family Medicine 7 (4), 343-351, 2009
Teaching medical students to give bad news: does formal instruction help?
JT Vetto, NC Elder, WL Toffler, SA Fields
Journal of Cancer Education 14 (1), 13-17, 1999
Antenatal magnesium and cerebral palsy in preterm infants
DG Hirtz, SJ Weiner, D Bulas, M DiPietro, J Seibert, DJ Rouse, BM Mercer, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 167 (4), 834-839. e3, 2015
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