Bulk nanostructured materials from severe plastic deformation RZ Valiev, RK Islamgaliev, IV Alexandrov Progress in materials science 45 (2), 103-189, 2000 | 8699 | 2000 |
Principles of equal-channel angular pressing as a processing tool for grain refinement RZ Valiev, TG Langdon Progress in materials science 51 (7), 881-981, 2006 | 5461 | 2006 |
Producing bulk ultrafine-grained materials by severe plastic deformation RZ Valiev, Y Estrin, Z Horita, TG Langdon, MJ Zechetbauer, YT Zhu Jom 58, 33-39, 2006 | 2226 | 2006 |
Nanostructuring of metals by severe plastic deformation for advanced properties R Valiev Nature materials 3 (8), 511-516, 2004 | 1857 | 2004 |
Наноструктурные материалы, полученные интенсивной пластической деформацией РЗ Валиев, ИВ Александров Логос 272, 2000 | 1670 | 2000 |
Structure and properties of ultrafine-grained materials produced by severe plastic deformation RZ Valiev, AV Korznikov, RR Mulyukov Materials Science and Engineering: A 168 (2), 141-148, 1993 | 1656 | 1993 |
Paradox of strength and ductility in metals processed bysevere plastic deformation RZ Valiev, IV Alexandrov, YT Zhu, TC Lowe Journal of Materials research 17 (1), 5-8, 2002 | 1611 | 2002 |
Low-temperature superplasticity in nanostructured nickel and metal alloys SX McFadden, RS Mishra, RZ Valiev, AP Zhilyaev, AK Mukherjee Nature 398 (6729), 684-686, 1999 | 1397 | 1999 |
Plastic deformation of alloys with submicron-grained structure RZ Valiev, NA Krasilnikov, NK Tsenev Materials Science and Engineering: A 137, 35-40, 1991 | 1365 | 1991 |
Biomedical applications of titanium and its alloys CN Elias, JHC Lima, R Valiev, MA Meyers Jom 60, 46-49, 2008 | 1323 | 2008 |
Microstructures and mechanical properties of ultrafine grained 7075 Al alloy processed by ECAP and their evolutions during annealing YH Zhao, XZ Liao, Z Jin, RZ Valiev, YT Zhu Acta Materialia 52 (15), 4589-4599, 2004 | 1122 | 2004 |
Объемные наноструктурные металлические материалы: недавние достижения и новые тенденции РЗ Валиев | 1034 | 2007 |
Review on superior strength and enhanced ductility of metallic nanomaterials IA Ovid'Ko, RZ Valiev, YT Zhu Progress in materials science 94, 462-540, 2018 | 906 | 2018 |
Deformation behaviour of ultra-fine-grained copper RZ Valiev, EV Kozlov, YF Ivanov, J Lian, AA Nazarov, B Baudelet Acta metallurgica et materialia 42 (7), 2467-2475, 1994 | 841 | 1994 |
Structure and deformaton behaviour of Armco iron subjected to severe plastic deformation RZ Valiev, YV Ivanisenko, EF Rauch, B Baudelet Acta Materialia 44 (12), 4705-4712, 1996 | 821 | 1996 |
Bulk nanostructured materials: Fundamentals and applications RZ Valiev, AP Zhilyaev, TG Langdon John Wiley & Sons, 2013 | 803 | 2013 |
Nanostructured aluminium alloys produced by severe plastic deformation: New horizons in development I Sabirov, MY Murashkin, RZ Valiev Materials science and engineering: A 560, 1-24, 2013 | 740 | 2013 |
Nanostructural hierarchy increases the strength of aluminium alloys PV Liddicoat, XZ Liao, Y Zhao, Y Zhu, MY Murashkin, EJ Lavernia, ... Nature communications 1 (1), 63, 2010 | 710 | 2010 |
Influence of ECAP routes on the microstructure and properties of pure Ti VV Stolyarov, YT Zhu, IV Alexandrov, TC Lowe, RZ Valiev Materials Science and Engineering: A 299 (1-2), 59-67, 2001 | 665 | 2001 |
Continuous processing of ultrafine grained Al by ECAP–Conform GJ Raab, RZ Valiev, TC Lowe, YT Zhu Materials Science and Engineering: A 382 (1-2), 30-34, 2004 | 650 | 2004 |