Rossitza Pentcheva
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Avoiding the polarization catastrophe in LaAlO 3 overlayers on SrTiO 3 (001) through polar distortion
R Pentcheva, WE Pickett
Physical review letters 102 (10), 107602, 2009
Charge localization or itineracy at La Al O 3∕ Sr Ti O 3 interfaces: Hole polarons, oxygen vacancies, and mobile electrons
R Pentcheva, WE Pickett
Physical Review B 74 (3), 035112, 2006
The 2016 oxide electronic materials and oxide interfaces roadmap
M Lorenz, MSR Rao, T Venkatesan, E Fortunato, P Barquinha, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (43), 433001, 2016
Surface electronic structure of the Fe 3 O 4 (100): evidence of a half-metal to metal transition
M Fonin, R Pentcheva, YS Dedkov, M Sperlich, DV Vyalikh, M Scheffler, ...
Physical Review B 72 (10), 104436, 2005
Extreme tensile strain states in La0. 7Ca0. 3MnO3 membranes
SS Hong, M Gu, M Verma, V Harbola, BY Wang, D Lu, A Vailionis, ...
Science 368 (6486), 71-76, 2020
Jahn-Teller stabilization of a “polar” metal oxide surface: Fe 3 O 4 (001)
R Pentcheva, F Wendler, HL Meyerheim, W Moritz, N Jedrecy, M Scheffler
Physical review letters 94 (12), 126101, 2005
Ionic relaxation contribution to the electronic reconstruction at the n-type LaAlO 3/SrTiO 3 interface
R Pentcheva, WE Pickett
Physical Review B 78 (20), 205106, 2008
Magnetic heterostructures: advances and perspectives in spinstructures and spintransport
H Zabel, SD Bader
Springer, 2007
Atomic exchange processes and bimodal initial growth of Co/Cu (001)
F Nouvertné, U May, M Bamming, A Rampe, U Korte, G Güntherodt, ...
Physical Review B 60 (20), 14382, 1999
Parallel electron-hole bilayer conductivity from electronic interface reconstruction
R Pentcheva, M Huijben, K Otte, WE Pickett, JE Kleibeuker, J Huijben, ...
Physical review letters 104 (16), 166804, 2010
Electronic phenomena at complex oxide interfaces: insights from first principles
R Pentcheva, WE Pickett
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (4), 043001, 2010
Magnetite: a search for the half-metallic state
M Fonin, YS Dedkov, R Pentcheva, U Rüdiger, G Güntherodt
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (31), 315217, 2007
Partial dissociation of Water on Fe3O4 (001): Adsorbate Induced Charge and Orbital Order
N Mulakaluri, R Pentcheva, M Wieland, W Moritz, M Scheffler
APS Meeting Abstracts 1, 38003, 2010
Partial dissociation of water on Fe 3 O 4 (001): Adsorbate induced charge and orbital order
N Mulakaluri, R Pentcheva, M Wieland, W Moritz, M Scheffler
Physical review letters 103 (17), 176102, 2009
A combined DFT/LEED-approach for complex oxide surface structure determination: Fe3O4 (0 0 1)
R Pentcheva, W Moritz, J Rundgren, S Frank, D Schrupp, M Scheffler
Surface Science 602 (7), 1299-1305, 2008
Influence of Fe and Ni Doping on the OER Performance at the Co3O4(001) Surface: Insights from DFT+U Calculations
Y Peng, H Hajiyani, R Pentcheva
ACS Catalysis 11 (9), 5601-5613, 2021
X-ray Photoemission and Density Functional Theory Study of the Interaction of Water Vapor with the Fe3O4 (001) Surface at Near-Ambient Conditions
T Kendelewicz, S Kaya, JT Newberg, H Bluhm, N Mulakaluri, W Moritz, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (6), 2719-2733, 2013
Correlation-driven charge order at the interface between a Mott and a band insulator
R Pentcheva, WE Pickett
Physical review letters 99 (1), 016802, 2007
Semiconductor–half metal transition at the Fe 3 O 4 (001) surface upon hydrogen adsorption
GS Parkinson, N Mulakaluri, Y Losovyj, P Jacobson, R Pentcheva, ...
Physical Review B 82 (12), 125413, 2010
The role of composition of uniform and highly dispersed cobalt vanadium iron spinel nanocrystals for oxygen electrocatalysis
K Chakrapani, G Bendt, H Hajiyani, T Lunkenbein, MT Greiner, L Masliuk, ...
ACS Catalysis 8 (2), 1259-1267, 2018
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