Sangho Lee
Sangho Lee
Assistant Professor, Emory University
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Engineering of human brain organoids with a functional vascular-like system
B Cakir, Y Xiang, Y Tanaka, MH Kural, M Parent, YJ Kang, K Chapeton, ...
Nature methods 16 (11), 1169-1175, 2019
Direct Reprogramming of Human Dermal Fibroblasts Into Endothelial Cells Using ER71/ETV2
S Lee, C Park, JW Han, JY Kim, K Cho, EJ Kim, S Kim, SJ Lee, SY Oh, ...
Circulation Research, CIRCRESAHA. 116.309833, 2016
Heterodimers of retinoic acid receptors and thyroid hormone receptors display unique combinatorial regulatory properties
S Lee, ML Privalsky
Molecular Endocrinology 19 (4), 863-878, 2005
Enhanced therapeutic neovascularization by CD31-expressing cells and embryonic stem cell-derived endothelial cells engineered with chitosan hydrogel containing VEGF-releasing …
S Lee, CM Valmikinathan, J Byun, S Kim, G Lee, N Mokarram, SB Pai, ...
Biomaterials 63, 158-167, 2015
A mechanism for pituitary-resistance to thyroid hormone (PRTH) syndrome: a loss in cooperative coactivator contacts by thyroid hormone receptor (TR) β2
S Lee, BM Young, W Wan, IH Chan, ML Privalsky
Molecular Endocrinology 25 (7), 1111-1125, 2011
Revisiting cardiovascular regeneration with bone marrow‐derived angiogenic and vasculogenic cells
S Lee, Y Yoon
British journal of pharmacology 169 (2), 290-303, 2013
The p160 coactivator PAS-B motif stabilizes nuclear receptor binding and contributes to isoform-specific regulation by thyroid hormone receptors
ML Privalsky, S Lee, JB Hahm, BM Young, RNG Fong, IH Chan
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (29), 19554-19563, 2009
Coactivator recruitment is enhanced by thyroid hormone receptor trimers
BJ Mengeling, S Lee, ML Privalsky
Molecular and cellular endocrinology 280 (1), 47-62, 2008
Multiple mutations contribute to repression by the v-Erb A oncoprotein
S Lee, ML Privalsky
Oncogene 24 (45), 6737-6752, 2005
Direct reprogramming into endothelial cells: a new source for vascular regeneration
S Lee, JE Kim, BAL Johnson, A Andukuri, YS Yoon
Regenerative medicine 12 (4), 317-320, 2017
Cardiovascular repair with bone marrow-derived cells
WS Kim, S Lee, Y Yoon
Blood research 48 (2), 76-86, 2013
Vascular Regeneration with New Sources of Endothelial Cells: Pluripotent Stem Cells and Directly Reprogrammed Cells
S Lee, SJ Lee, Y Yoon
Circulation research 124 (1), 29-31, 2019
Direct Reprogramming of Human Dermal Fibroblasts into Endothelial Cells Using a Single Transcription Factor
S Lee, C Park, JW Han, JY Kim, K Cho, EJ Kim, S Kim, SJ Lee, HJ An, ...
Circulation 130 (Suppl 2), A18205-A18205, 2014
Generation and Application of Directly Reprogrammed Endothelial Cells
C Jung, JE Oh, S Lee, Y Yoon
Korean Circulation Journal 52, 2021
Endothelial and endothelial like cells produced from fibroblasts and uses related thereto
YS Yoon, J Han, SH Lee, C Park
US Patent App. 14/698,899, 2015
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