Greg Conradi Smith
Greg Conradi Smith
Professor of Applied Science, William & Mary
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Fourier analysis of sinusoidally driven thalamocortical relay neurons and a minimal integrate-and-fire-or-burst model
GD Smith, CL Cox, SM Sherman, J Rinzel
Journal of neurophysiology 83 (1), 588-610, 2000
A simple numerical model of calcium spark formation and detection in cardiac myocytes
GD Smith, JE Keizer, MD Stern, WJ Lederer, H Cheng
Biophysical journal 75 (1), 15-32, 1998
Subgenome dominance in an interspecific hybrid, synthetic allopolyploid, and a 140-year-old naturally established neo-allopolyploid monkeyflower
PP Edger, R Smith, MR McKain, AM Cooley, M Vallejo-Marin, Y Yuan, ...
The Plant Cell 29 (9), 2150-2167, 2017
Saltatory propagation of Ca2+ waves by Ca2+ sparks
J Keizer, GD Smith, S Ponce-Dawson, JE Pearson
Biophysical journal 75 (2), 595-600, 1998
Analytical steady-state solution to the rapid buffering approximation near an open Ca2+ channel
GD Smith
Biophysical journal 71 (6), 3064-3072, 1996
Asymptotic analysis of buffered calcium diffusion near a point source
A Sherman, GD Smith, L Dai, RM Miura
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 61 (5), 1816-1838, 2001
Validity of the rapid buffering approximation near a point source of calcium ions
GD Smith, J Wagner, J Keizer
Biophysical Journal 70 (6), 2527-2539, 1996
Spark-to-wave transition: saltatory transmission of calcium waves in cardiac myocytes
J Keizer, GD Smith
Biophysical chemistry 72 (1-2), 87-100, 1998
Reaction diffusion modeling of calcium dynamics with realistic ER geometry
S Means, AJ Smith, J Shepherd, J Shadid, J Fowler, RJH Wojcikiewicz, ...
Biophysical journal 91 (2), 537-557, 2006
Modeling study of the effects of overlapping Ca2+ microdomains on neurotransmitter release
R Bertram, GD Smith, A Sherman
Biophysical Journal 76 (2), 735-750, 1999
Modeling the stochastic gating of ion channels
GD Smith
Computational cell biology, 285-319, 2002
A probability density approach to modeling local control of calcium-induced calcium release in cardiac myocytes
GSB Williams, MA Huertas, EA Sobie, MS Jafri, GD Smith
Biophysical Journal 92 (7), 2311-2328, 2007
Thermal desorption of hydrogen from carbon nanosheets
X Zhao, RA Outlaw, JJ Wang, MY Zhu, GD Smith, BC Holloway
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (19), 2006
A stochastic automata network descriptor for Markov chain models of instantaneously coupled intracellular Ca2+ channels
V Nguyen, R Mathias, GD Smith
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 67, 393-432, 2005
Models of cardiac excitation–contraction coupling in ventricular myocytes
GSB Williams, GD Smith, EA Sobie, MS Jafri
Mathematical biosciences 226 (1), 1-15, 2010
Ryanodine receptor allosteric coupling and the dynamics of calcium sparks
JR Groff, GD Smith
Biophysical journal 95 (1), 135-154, 2008
Emergence of switch-like behavior in a large family of simple biochemical networks
D Siegal-Gaskins, MK Mejia-Guerra, GD Smith, E Grotewold
PLoS computational biology 7 (5), e1002039, 2011
Comparative capacitative calcium entry mechanisms in canine pulmonary and renal arterial smooth muscle cells
SM Wilson, HS Mason, GD Smith, N Nicholson, L Johnston, R Janiak, ...
The Journal of physiology 543 (3), 917-931, 2002
Moment closure for local control models of calcium-induced calcium release in cardiac myocytes
GSB Williams, MA Huertas, EA Sobie, MS Jafri, GD Smith
Biophysical journal 95 (4), 1689-1703, 2008
The effect of residual Ca2+ on the stochastic gating of Ca2+-regulated Ca2+ channel models
B Mazzag, CJ Tignanelli, GD Smith
Journal of Theoretical Biology 235 (1), 121-150, 2005
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