Pedro Avila Pérez
Pedro Avila Pérez
Sonstige NamenAvila-Pérez P., Ávila-Pérez P., Avila P. P.
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Centro Conjunto de Investigación en Química Sustentable
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Heavy metal concentrations in water and bottom sediments of a Mexican reservoir
P Avila-Pérez, M Balcázar, G Zarazúa-Ortega, I Barceló-Quintal, ...
Science of the total environment 234 (1-3), 185-196, 1999
Analysis of total and dissolved heavy metals in surface water of a Mexican polluted river by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
G Zarazua, P Ávila-Pérez, S Tejeda, I Barcelo-Quintal, T Martínez
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 61 (10-11), 1180-1184, 2006
Mercury (II) ion-selective electrode. Study of 1, 3-diphenylthiourea as ionophore
L Perez-Marin, E Otazo-Sánchez, G Macedo-Miranda, P Avila-Perez, ...
Analyst 125 (10), 1787-1790, 2000
Accumulation of heavy metals in mosses: a biomonitoring study
G Macedo-Miranda, P Avila-Pérez, P Gil-Vargas, G Zarazúa, ...
SpringerPlus 5, 1-13, 2016
Assessment of spatial variability of heavy metals in metropolitan zone of toluca valley, Mexico, using the biomonitoring technique in mosses and TXRF analysis
G Zarazúa-Ortega, J Poblano-Bata, S Tejeda-Vega, P Ávila-Pérez, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 426492, 2013
Application of the total reflection X-ray fluorescence technique to trace elements determination in tobacco
T Martinez, J Lartigue, G Zarazua, P Avila-Perez, M Navarrete, S Tejeda
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 63 (12), 1469-1472, 2008
Determining of risk areas due to exposure to heavy metals in the Toluca Valley using epiphytic mosses as a biomonitor
P Ávila-Pérez, HB Ortiz-Oliveros, G Zarazúa-Ortega, S Tejeda-Vega, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 241, 138-148, 2019
Determination of trace elements in blood samples by TXRF analysis
T Martinez, J Lartigue, P Avila-Perez, G Zarazua, M Navarrete, S Tejeda, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 259, 511-514, 2004
Determination of lead in blood by TXRF and its correlation to environmental lead
T Martinez, J Lartigue, P Avila-Perez, G Zarazua, L Cabrera, S Tejeda, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2004
Total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometric determination of elements in water hyacinth from the Lerma River
S Tejeda, G Zarazúa, P Ávila-Pérez, L Carapia-Morales, T Martínez
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 65 (6), 483-488, 2010
Evaluation of heavy metal and elemental composition of particles in suspended matter of the Upper Course of the Lerma River
P Ávila-Pérez, G Zarazúa, L Carapia-Morales, S Tejeda, C Díaz-Delgado, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 273, 625-633, 2007
Evaluación de los metales pesados Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn y Pb en sombrerillo de agua (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides) del curso alto del río Lerma, México
G Zarazúa, P Ávila-Pérez, S Tejeda, M Valdivia-Barrientos, ...
Revista Internacional de Contaminación Ambiental 29, 17-24, 2013
Diversidad de musgos epífitos de la zona metropolitana del valle de Toluca, México
C Zepeda-Gómez, P Ávila-Pérez, US Díaz-García, Y Alanís-Martínez, ...
Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 85 (1), 108-124, 2014
Major and trace elements in sediments of the upper course of Lerma river
S Tejeda, G Zarazúa-Ortega, P Ávila-Pérez, A García-Mejía, ...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 270, 9-14, 2006
Metal content in mosses from the Metropolitan Area of the Toluca Valley: a comparative study between inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and …
B Caballero-Segura, P Ávila-Pérez, CE Barrera Díaz, JJ Ramírez García, ...
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 94 (13), 1288-1301, 2014
Evaluación de la toxicidad de los sedimentos del curso alto del río Lerma, México
C Carreño, G Zarazúa, C Fall, P Ávila-Pérez, S Tejeda
Revista internacional de contaminación ambiental 34 (1), 117-126, 2018
Response mechanism of a neutral carrier Hg (II) polymeric membrane ion-selective electrode. SEM and EDAX study
L Perez-Marin, H Lopez-Valdivia, P Avila-Perez, E Otazo-Sánchez, ...
Analyst 126 (4), 501-504, 2001
Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of toxic metals in fish tissues
G Zarazúa, K Girón-Romero, S Tejeda, C Carreño-De León, ...
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 5 (12), 805-811, 2014
Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace-elements in candies marketed in Mexico
T Martinez, J Lartigue, G Zarazua, P Avila-Perez, M Navarrete, S Tejeda
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 65 (6), 499-503, 2010
Calculation of the ecological risk index in the José Antonio Alzate Dam, State of Mexico, Mexico
E López-Galván, I Barceló-Quintal, HE Solís-Correa, AL Bussy, ...
Biological trace element research 135, 121-135, 2010
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