viola macchi cassia
viola macchi cassia
Full Professor of Cognitive Development, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy
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Face preference at birth.
E Valenza, F Simion, VM Cassia, C Umiltà
Journal of experimental psychology: Human Perception and Performance 22 (4), 892, 1996
Can a nonspecific bias toward top-heavy patterns explain newborns' face preference?
C Viola Macchi, C Turati, F Simion
Psychological Science 15 (6), 379-383, 2004
Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed-speech preference
ManyBabies Consortium
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (1), 24-52, 2020
Newborns' face recognition: Role of inner and outer facial features
C Turati, V Macchi Cassia, F Simion, I Leo
Child development 77 (2), 297-311, 2006
Do all kids look alike? Evidence for an other-age effect in adults.
D Kuefner, V Macchi Cassia, M Picozzi, E Bricolo
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 34 (4), 811, 2008
Newborns’ preference for up–down asymmetrical configurations
F Simion, E Valenza, V Macchi Cassia, C Turati, C Umiltà
Developmental Science 5 (4), 427-434, 2002
The origins of face perception: specific versus non‐specific mechanisms
F Simion, V Macchi Cassia, C Turati, E Valenza
Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and …, 2001
Human infants' preference for left-to-right oriented increasing numerical sequences
MD de Hevia, L Girelli, M Addabbo, V Macchi Cassia
PloS one 9 (5), e96412, 2014
Small on the left, large on the right: Numbers orient visual attention onto space in preverbal infants
H Bulf, MD de Hevia, V Macchi Cassia
Developmental Science 19 (3), 394-401, 2016
Holistic processing for faces and cars in preschool‐aged children and adults: Evidence from the composite effect
VM Cassia, M Picozzi, D Kuefner, E Bricolo, C Turati
Developmental science 12 (2), 236-248, 2009
Early experience predicts later plasticity for face processing: Evidence for the reactivation of dormant effects
VM Cassia, D Kuefner, M Picozzi, E Vescovo
Psychological science 20 (7), 853-859, 2009
Dominance of global visual properties at birth.
VM Cassia, F Simion, I Milani, C Umiltà
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 131 (3), 398, 2002
Face preference at birth: The role of an orienting mechanism
V Macchi Cassia, F Simion, C Umiltaà
Developmental Science 4 (1), 101-108, 2001
Age biases in face processing: The effects of experience across development
V Macchi Cassia
British Journal of Psychology 102 (4), 816-829, 2011
Minds without language represent number through space: origins of the mental number line
MD De Hevia, L Girelli, V Macchi Cassia
Frontiers in Psychology 3, 33066, 2012
A behavioural and ERP investigation of 3-month-olds’ face preferences
VM Cassia, D Kuefner, A Westerlund, CA Nelson
Neuropsychologia 44 (11), 2113-2125, 2006
Short article: Why mix-ups don't happen in the nursery: Evidence for an experience-based interpretation of the other-age effect
VM Cassia, M Picozzi, D Kuefner, M Casati
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (6), 1099-1107, 2009
Congruency as a nonspecific perceptual property contributing to newborns’ face preference
V Macchi Cassia, E Valenza, F Simion, I Leo
Child Development 79 (4), 807-820, 2008
Umilta, C.(1996). Face preference at birth
E Valenza, F Simion, V Macchi Cassia
Journal of experimental psychology: Human Perception and Performance 22 (4 …, 0
Age‐related face processing bias in infancy: Evidence of perceptual narrowing for adult faces
V Macchi Cassia, H Bulf, E Quadrelli, V Proietti
Developmental psychobiology 56 (2), 238-248, 2014
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