Elizabeth Zavitz (Arsenault)
Elizabeth Zavitz (Arsenault)
Research Fellow, Monash University
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Public attitudes towards individuals with intellectual disabilities as measured by the concept of social distance
H Ouellette‐Kuntz, P Burge, HK Brown, E Arsenault
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 23 (2), 132-142, 2009
Rapid adaptation induces persistent biases in population codes for visual motion
E Zavitz, HH Yu, EG Rowe, MGP Rosa, NSC Price
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (16), 4579-4590, 2016
Higher order texture statistics impair contrast boundary segmentation
E Arsenault, A Yoonessi, C Baker
Journal of Vision 11 (10), 2011
Higher order image structure enables boundary segmentation in the absence of luminance or contrast cues
E Zavitz, CL Baker
Journal of Vision 14 (4), 14-14, 2014
A twisted visual field map in the primate dorsomedial cortex predicted by topographic continuity
HH Yu, DP Rowley, NSC Price, MGP Rosa, E Zavitz
Science advances 6 (44), eaaz8673, 2020
Contrast and luminance adaptation alter neuronal coding and perception of stimulus orientation
M Ghodrati, E Zavitz, MGP Rosa, NSC Price
Nature communications 10 (1), 941, 2019
Texture sparseness, but not local phase structure, impairs second-order segmentation
E Zavitz, CL Baker
Vision research 91, 45-55, 2013
Correlated variability in the neurons with the strongest tuning improves direction coding
E Zavitz, HH Yu, MGP Rosa, NSC Price
Cerebral Cortex 29 (2), 615-626, 2019
Understanding sensory information processing through simultaneous multi-area population recordings
E Zavitz, NSC Price
Frontiers in neural circuits 12, 2019
Visual responses in the dorsolateral frontal cortex of marmoset monkeys
A Feizpour, P Majka, TA Chaplin, D Rowley, HH Yu, E Zavitz, NSC Price, ...
Journal of Neurophysiology, 2021
Weighting neurons by selectivity produces near-optimal population codes
E Zavitz, NSC Price
Journal of Neurophysiology 121 (5), 1924-1937, 2019
Representation of Movement
NSC Price, Z E, B RT
Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 2017
Primate Visual Cortex
E Zavitz, MGP Rosa, NSC Price
Reference Module in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Psychology, 2017
Texture segmentation in natural images: contribution of higher-order image statistics to psychophysical performance
C Baker, A Yoonessi, E Arsenault
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 350-350, 2008
The role of higher-order statistics in naturalistic texture segmentation: modelling psychophysical data
E Arsenault, C Baker
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 1354-1354, 2010
Variability of visual field maps in human early extrastriate cortex challenges the canonical model of organization of V2 and V3
FL Ribeiro, A York, E Zavitz, S Bollmann, MGP Rosa, A Puckett
Elife 12, e86439, 2023
Long-range neural coherence encodes stimulus information in primate visual cortex
M Kermani, E Zavitz, B Oakley, NSC Price, MA Hagan, YT Wong
BioRxiv, 2020.06. 22.164269, 2020
Boundary segmentation of naturalistic textures: Roles of sparseness and local phase structure
E Arsenault, A Yoonessi, C Baker
Journal of Vision 9 (8), 1042-1042, 2009
Neural responses to broadband visual flicker in marmoset primary visual cortex
JCB Schwenk, MA Hagan, SL Cloherty, E Zavitz, AP Morris, NSC Price, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.02. 05.479227, 2022
From noise to meaning: how visual information makes sense
E Zavitz
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