Stokes K
Stokes K
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International Olympic Committee consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sports 2020 (including the STROBE …
International Olympic Committee Injury and Illness Epidemiology Consensus Group
Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine 8 (2), 2325967120902908, 2020
The physical demands of elite English rugby union
SP Roberts, G Trewartha, RJ Higgitt, J El-Abd, KA Stokes
Journal of sports sciences 26 (8), 825-833, 2008
A meta-analysis of injuries in senior men’s professional Rugby Union
S Williams, G Trewartha, S Kemp, K Stokes
Sports medicine 43, 1043-1055, 2013
Two weeks of reduced activity decreases leg lean mass and induces “anabolic resistance” of myofibrillar protein synthesis in healthy elderly
L Breen, KA Stokes, TA Churchward-Venne, DR Moore, SK Baker, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 98 (6), 2604-2612, 2013
The influence of in-season training loads on injury risk in professional rugby union
MJ Cross, S Williams, G Trewartha, SPT Kemp, KA Stokes
International journal of sports physiology and performance 11 (3), 350-355, 2016
Physiological effects of exercise
DA Burton, K Stokes, GM Hall
Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain 4 (6), 185-188, 2004
Professional Rugby Union players have a 60% greater risk of time loss injury after concussion: a 2-season prospective study of clinical outcomes
M Cross, S Kemp, A Smith, G Trewartha, K Stokes
British journal of sports medicine 50 (15), 926-931, 2016
Better way to determine the acute: chronic workload ratio?
S Williams, S West, MJ Cross, KA Stokes
British journal of sports medicine 51 (3), 209-210, 2017
Reducing musculoskeletal injury and concussion risk in schoolboy rugby players with a pre-activity movement control exercise programme: a cluster randomised controlled trial
MD Hislop, KA Stokes, S Williams, CD McKay, ME England, SPT Kemp, ...
British journal of sports medicine 51 (15), 1140-1146, 2017
Dietary nitrate does not enhance running performance in elite cross-country skiers
O Peacock, AE Tjønna, P James, U Wisløff, B Welde, N Böhlke, A Smith, ...
Med Sci Sports Exerc 44 (11), 2213-2219, 2012
Skeletal muscle: from molecules to movement
K Stokes
British Journal of Sports Medicine 40 (11), 950-950, 2006
Assessment of low-to-moderate intensity physical activity thermogenesis in young adults using synchronized heart rate and accelerometry with branched-equation modeling
D Thompson, AM Batterham, S Bock, C Robson, K Stokes
The Journal of nutrition 136 (4), 1037-1042, 2006
Time loss injuries compromise team success in Elite Rugby Union: a 7-year prospective study
S Williams, G Trewartha, SPT Kemp, JHM Brooks, CW Fuller, AE Taylor, ...
British journal of sports medicine 50 (11), 651-656, 2016
Match injuries in English youth academy and schools rugby union: an epidemiological study
DS Palmer-Green, KA Stokes, CW Fuller, M England, SPT Kemp, ...
The American journal of sports medicine 41 (4), 749-755, 2013
Returning to play after prolonged training restrictions in professional collision sports
KA Stokes, B Jones, M Bennett, GL Close, N Gill, JH Hull, AM Kasper, ...
International journal of sports medicine 41 (13), 895-911, 2020
Epidemiology of time-loss injuries in English community-level rugby union
SP Roberts, G Trewartha, M England, G Shaddick, KA Stokes
BMJ open 3 (11), e003998, 2013
Monitoring what matters: a systematic process for selecting training-load measures
S Williams, G Trewartha, MJ Cross, SPT Kemp, KA Stokes
International journal of sports physiology and performance 12 (s2), S2-101 …, 2017
Transcriptomic analyses reveal rhythmic and CLOCK-driven pathways in human skeletal muscle
L Perrin, U Loizides-Mangold, S Chanon, C Gobet, N Hulo, L Isenegger, ...
Elife 7, e34114, 2018
Tackling concussion in professional rugby union: a case–control study of tackle-based risk factors and recommendations for primary prevention
MJ Cross, R Tucker, M Raftery, B Hester, S Williams, KA Stokes, ...
British journal of sports medicine 53 (16), 1021-1025, 2019
Physiological and molecular responses to an acute bout of reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training (REHIT)
RS Metcalfe, F Koumanov, JS Ruffino, KA Stokes, GD Holman, ...
European journal of applied physiology 115, 2321-2334, 2015
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