Stephen Rao
Stephen Rao
Director of Schey Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Cleveland Clinic
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Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis
SM Rao
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders: Clinical guide to diagnosis …, 2019
Human brain language areas identified by functional magnetic resonance imaging
JR Binder, JA Frost, TA Hammeke, RW Cox, SM Rao, T Prieto
Journal of neuroscience 17 (1), 353-362, 1997
Development of a multiple sclerosis functional composite as a clinical trial outcome measure
GR Cutter, ML Baier, RA Rudick, DL Cookfair, JS Fischer, J Petkau, ...
Brain 122 (5), 871-882, 1999
The APA Publications and Communications Board Task Force Report
M Appelbaum, H Cooper, RB Kline, E Mayo-Wilson, AM Nezu, SM Rao
Journal Article Reporting Standards for Quantitative Research in Psychology …, 2018
Conceptual processing during the conscious resting state: a functional MRI study
JR Binder, JA Frost, TA Hammeke, PSF Bellgowan, SM Rao, RW Cox
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 11 (1), 80-93, 1999
Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. II. Impact on employment and social functioning
SM Rao, GJ Leo, L Ellington, T Nauertz, L Bernardin, F Unverzagt
Neurology 41 (5), 692-696, 1991
Determination of language dominance using functional MRI: a comparison with the Wada test
JR Binder, SJ Swanson, TA Hammeke, GL Morris, WM Mueller, M Fischer, ...
Neurology 46 (4), 978-984, 1996
The evolution of brain activation during temporal processing
SM Rao, AR Mayer, DL Harrington
Nature neuroscience 4 (3), 317-323, 2001
Functional magnetic resonance imaging of complex human movements
W Rao, Binder, Bandettini, Hammeke, Yetkin, Jesmanowicz., Lisk, Morris ...
Neurology 43, 2311, 1993
Minimal neuropsychological assessment of MS patients: a consensus approach
RHB Benedict, JS Fischer, CJ Archibald, PA Arnett, WW Beatty, J Bobholz, ...
The Clinical Neuropsychologist 16 (3), 381-397, 2002
Distributed neural systems underlying the timing of movements
SM Rao, DL Harrington, KY Haaland, JA Bobholz, RW Cox, JR Binder
Journal of Neuroscience 17 (14), 5528-5535, 1997
Journal article reporting standards for quantitative research in psychology: The APA Publications and Communications Board task force report.
M Appelbaum, H Cooper, RB Kline, E Mayo-Wilson, AM Nezu, SM Rao
American Psychologist 73 (1), 3, 2018
Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging with neuropsychological testing in multiple sclerosis
SM Rao, GJ Leo, VM Haughton, PS Aubin-Faubert, L Bernardin
Neurology 39 (2), 161-161, 1989
A manual for the brief repeatable battery of neuropsychological tests in multiple sclerosis
SM Rao
Milwaukee: Medical College of Wisconsin 1696, 1990
Nicotine-induced limbic cortical activation in the human brain: a functional MRI study
EA Stein, J Pankiewicz, HH Harsch, JK Cho, SA Fuller, RG Hoffmann, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 155 (8), 1009-1015, 1998
Language processing is strongly left lateralized in both sexes: Evidence from functional MRI
JA Frost, JR Binder, JA Springer, TA Hammeke, PSF Bellgowan, SM Rao, ...
Brain 122 (2), 199-208, 1999
Cognition in multiple sclerosis: State of the field and priorities for the future
JF Sumowski, R Benedict, C Enzinger, M Filippi, JJ Geurts, P Hamalainen, ...
Neurology 90 (6), 278-288, 2018
Neural systems underlying the recognition of familiar and newly learned faces
CL Leveroni, M Seidenberg, AR Mayer, LA Mead, JR Binder, SM Rao
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (2), 878-886, 2000
Neuropsychology of multiple sclerosis: a critical review
SM Rao
Journal of Clinical and experimental Neuropsychology 8 (5), 503-542, 1986
Cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: a review of recent developments
JA Bobholz, SM Rao
Current opinion in neurology 16 (3), 283-288, 2003
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