Srikant Sukumar
Srikant Sukumar
Professor, Systems and Control IIT Bombay
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Adaptive attitude-tracking control of spacecraft with uncertain time-varying inertia parameters
D Thakur, S Srikant, MR Akella
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 38 (1), 41-52, 2015
Unstart detection in a simplified-geometry hypersonic inlet-isolator flow
S Srikant, JL Wagner, A Valdivia, MR Akella, N Clemens
Journal of Propulsion and Power 26 (5), 1059-1071, 2010
High-frequency pressure measurements for unstart detection in scramjet isolators
J Donbar, G Linn, M Akella
46th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 6557, 2010
Continuous opinions and discrete actions in social networks: a multi-agent system approach
NR Chowdhury, IC Morărescu, S Martin, S Srikant
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1739-1744, 2016
Persistence filter-based control for systems with time-varying control gains
S Srikant, MR Akella
Systems & Control Letters 58 (6), 413-420, 2009
Strict Lyapunov functions for consensus under directed connected graphs
E Panteley, A Loria, S Sukumar
2020 European Control Conference (ECC), 935-940, 2020
A new condition for asymptotic consensus over switching graphs
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar, D Chatterjee
Automatica 97, 18-26, 2018
Decentralized and adaptive control of multiple nonholonomic robots for sensing coverage
R Abdul Razak, S Srikant, H Chung
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (6), 2636-2650, 2018
A jammer’s perspective of reachability and LQ optimal control
S Sukumar, D Chatterjee
Automatica 70, 295-302, 2016
Line-of-sight based spacecraft attitude and position tracking control
RR Warier, A Sinha, S Sukumar
European Journal of Control 32, 43-53, 2016
Decentralized adaptive coverage control of nonholonomic mobile robots
RA Razak, S Sukumar, H Chung
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (18), 410-415, 2016
Optimal multiplexing of sparse controllers for linear systems
Y Kumar, S Srikant, D Chatterjee
Automatica 106, 134-142, 2019
Precision Attitude Stabilization: Incorporating Rise and Fall Times in Gas-Based Thrusters
S Sukumar, MR Akella
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 34 (1), 317-323, 2011
On the estimation of the consensus rate of convergence in graphs with persistent interconnections
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar, M Maghenem, A Loría
International Journal of Control 91 (1), 132-144, 2018
Persistence based analysis of consensus protocols for dynamic graph networks
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar
2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 886-891, 2014
Rigid body geometric attitude estimator using multi-rate sensors
M Bhatt, S Sukumar, AK Sanyal
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1511-1516, 2020
Persistence based convergence rate analysis of consensus protocols for dynamic graph networks
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar, N Balachandran
European Journal of Control 29, 33-43, 2016
On the estimation of algebraic connectivity in graphs with persistently exciting interconnections
NR Chowdhury, S Sukumar, M Maghenem, A Loria
Int. J. of Contr 91 (1), 132-144, 2018
Arbitrarily fast exponentially stabilizing controller for multi-input, persistently exciting singular control gain systems
S Srikant, M Akella
Automatica 54, 279-283, 2015
Feedback tracking control schemes for a class of underactuated vehicles in SE (3)
RR Warier, AK Sanyal, S Sukumar, SP Viswanathan
2017 American control conference (ACC), 899-904, 2017
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